Victoria specific bushwalking discussion.
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Victoria specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
Tue 24 Jul, 2012 8:27 pm
Thinking about walking Carnarvon Gorge in the next month or two. It's a bit cold down south this time of year and qld looks like a great place to spend a week hiking sans snow shoes. One small problem....What is the best way to get there ? Option one is drive up and back. Assuming 10 hour driving per day, that's 4 days behind the wheel...urgh. Option two is to fly to Brisbane, but Carnarvon gorge is over 500 Kay's from Brisbane. I may be able to get a bus to Roma carnarvon gorge is still miles away and sometimes closed to 2wd transport. There is a charter flight available to the wilderness lodge I think, but probably dearer than the flight to Brisbane. .....any suggestions out there ??.
Tue 24 Jul, 2012 8:43 pm
Howdy Mutley
Get a Qantaslink flight to Roma and go from there. If you speak with the Ranger (s) at Carnarvon Gorge, they will know where guests can be transferred from, and returned to. If it was me? I'd be Qantaslinking it to Roma, and grabbing a hire car to the gorge. It's a basic drive, no 4x4 needed.
Have been there before from Melbourne, did it this way, except we drove from Brisbane, easy long drive. We enjoyed it.
Sefe Steps
Tue 24 Jul, 2012 11:25 pm
Can't help you with transport, but it's a great place, I've been there twice but haven't seen it in over 20 years. So bring some photos back please.....
Wed 25 Jul, 2012 7:02 pm
brisbane is probably your best option if money matters.. the cost of a flight & rental car in roma would be pretty scary given the CSG boom they're experiencing at the moment.
another option to consider - hinchinbrok island - you could probably get there on public transport (flight to tsv + greyhound bus).
Wed 25 Jul, 2012 9:47 pm
Thanks wild light, daaan, Tasadam. If I get there I'll post all the details with pics on my return. I'm thinking a flight to Ben and a cheap hire car for the drive west. Cheers.
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