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Fortress/Mt Thackeray Grampians - Water?

Thu 20 Mar, 2014 3:06 pm


I am planning to do the overnight hike Fortress/Mt Thackeray in the Grampians and I am wondering whether there is a water supply on the campsites or on the track. The office told me that there is no water supply but I don't trust them :mrgreen: and I don't want to carry all the water. I already got tablets for treating non-drinkable water. So, does somebody has already experience with this walk?


Re: Fortress/Mt Thackeray Grampians - Water?

Thu 20 Mar, 2014 8:35 pm

Hi Lutz, it depends exactly when you are planning to go. At the moment I would be carrying all my water in. There is really only reliable water in the area over the wettest months. The area is also suffering post fires so water may be contaminated from run off.

Re: Fortress/Mt Thackeray Grampians - Water?

Fri 21 Mar, 2014 11:39 am

Be sure to post a trip report. I've been trying to redo the Fortress for the past year or more and every time I plan it the park gets closed due to some natural disaster. I didn't even realise the south part of the park was open again....

I agree with Snowzone - don't rely on finding any water. It's very dry....

Re: Fortress/Mt Thackeray Grampians - Water?

Fri 21 Mar, 2014 12:28 pm

I was in there not long ago. Very little water but I would still expect some as it's pretty reliable.

Re: Fortress/Mt Thackeray Grampians - Water?

Sun 23 Mar, 2014 3:19 pm

I would reiterate Snowzone’s advice – don’t rely on water being available at present.

There is a soak/spring (GDA94 616006 5869536) about 600m south (and 150m lower) along the track from the main cave camp area. However, this is NOT reliable after extended dry.

From the cave, the creek directly east is difficult to access (about 300m below) through thick scrub and reasonably steep terrain. I would not rely on it for water.
Fortress camp cave.JPG
Fortress camping cave - May 2008

There is no water anywhere near Mt Thackery campsite.

If you really don’t want to carry water, consider doing a water drop at GDA94 616453 5868516 on Victoria Range Rd where the Fortress Track emerges (about 2km on track from the cave). You could also drop at the Mt Thackery campsite (since you'd be passing it in the vehicle to do the other drop).

Re: Fortress/Mt Thackeray Grampians - Water?

Wed 26 Mar, 2014 10:58 pm

Did the circuit in 2010 and from my memory, water points were close to the campsites on the track. I could see them from the track. Just keep your eyes and ears open when getting close. I am not sure about the water situation in this area at present, but interested to know though.
The Fortress, October 2010
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The nearby waterfall
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Mt Thackeray campsite
rs3.jpg (153.11 KiB) Viewed 6915 times

Re: Fortress/Mt Thackeray Grampians - Water?

Mon 31 Mar, 2014 1:39 pm

I have done the circuit a couple of times as an overnighter but not recently. I collected water about 800m short of the Mt Thackery campsite on both occasions . A small creek crosses Victoria Range Rd before the last climb. It is likely that it would unreliable given the extended dry spell we are having. No problems getting water on the hike out from Hut Creek.

Re: Fortress/Mt Thackeray Grampians - Water?

Thu 05 Mar, 2015 5:14 pm

Anyone been up here recently ?
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