For those that might be interested I just put on YouTube a slide show and some videos of my walk. The first three videos are about 30 mins each and the last one is about 3 minutes. I did the video with a small "action camera" ... amera.html attached to pack straps.
I did the videos essentially as an exercise in using the camera and also because it might be of interest to someone who hasn't done this (or perhaps not any) bushwalks before and it might give them a sense of what it is like (not to say I am an expert). I doubt anyone will watch all 94 minutes of the 4 parts though....
Note that the videos are completely unedited out of the camera and the only processing is to stablise them using the YouTube option to do so.
My ascent and then descent of Mount Feathertop 28th and 29th July 2012. (SLIDESHOW) ... THKCcUyv1ADescent from Mount Feathertop, Victoria, Australia Part 1 of 4 ... THKCcUyv1ADescent from Mount Feathertop, Victoria, Australia Part 2 of 4 ... THKCcUyv1ADescent from Mount Feathertop, Victoria, Australia Part 3 of 4 ... THKCcUyv1ADescent from Mount Feathertop, Victoria, Australia Part 4 of 4 ... THKCcUyv1A