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Victoria specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Tue 18 Nov, 2014 7:41 am

I called Wilsons Prom to ask about the need to book a place in some of the camp sites in the southern end of the park during the week in off season (yes) but was also told that the camping fees had gone up and it is now $59.00 per night to camp at Tidal River.

Can that be correct? Surely not for 2 people in a small two man tent.

Can anyone clarify this?


Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Tue 18 Nov, 2014 7:50 am

$56.20 according to the website. ... ional-park

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Tue 18 Nov, 2014 8:35 am

Camping fees have been introduced or increased across many parks - there is a thread on this forum all about it.

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Tue 18 Nov, 2014 10:33 am

There's a lot to read but here it is. Thank Dennis and his mates.
The bush camps seem to be $12.00 per person per night.
If you don't book on line at the parkstay web site you will be charged more for phone bookings.

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Tue 18 Nov, 2014 11:30 am

Yep thats the shock costs thats now coming your way if you want to spend a night enjoying a piece of dirt at Tidal River. It cost me $12.50 per overnight camp at Little Waterloo and Sealers recently.

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Tue 18 Nov, 2014 9:33 pm

"for the benefit and enjoyment of the people"... Not anymore, now it's "for the benefit of the government"...

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Mon 24 Nov, 2014 10:16 pm

It is rather expensive to go solo these days. One person costs almost the same as two persons or more do.

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Wed 26 Nov, 2014 8:51 pm

Thats on par with big4 type campsites.

Having just done a couple weeks road tripping the NSW sth coast, our last couple of places were busier than we would of preferred so we stopped in a hotel. Cut our trip 2 days short and the difference paid for 2 nights in a hotel.

And we wonder why society has an obesity problem?? When it's cheaper to get a nice hotel and meals in the city for a weekend, than spend a weekend in a national park something has gone seriously wrong.

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Wed 26 Nov, 2014 8:59 pm

Just wondering,does ANYBODY agree with these over the top camp fees ??....IF so,why??

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Wed 26 Nov, 2014 9:39 pm

Strider wrote:$56.20 according to the website. ... ional-park

And you can have up to 4 adults PLUS 4 kids for the same price..... or camp solo .... mmmmmmm I would be having a one hour shower for that price!

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Wed 26 Nov, 2014 10:08 pm

dplanet wrote:It is rather expensive to go solo these days. One person costs almost the same as two persons or more do.

The Burchell Trail Hike is one of the examples. Cost $36.00 per site / per night

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Thu 27 Nov, 2014 12:33 am

vicrev wrote:Just wondering,does ANYBODY agree with these over the top camp fees ??....IF so,why??

Only positive might be you'd have the place to yourself!

Who in their right mind would pay these outrageous fee's?!?

"Tell em to get stuffed"


Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Thu 27 Nov, 2014 12:53 pm

vicrev wrote:Just wondering,does ANYBODY agree with these over the top camp fees ??....IF so,why??

Perhpas the people who run caravan parks near national parks ...

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Thu 27 Nov, 2014 1:48 pm

Got shocked on my recent visit to a caravan park after few days in the forests and looked forward to a shower. Rate for a site started from $40.00 + $10 for an adult per night. There was no unpower site option.

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Thu 27 Nov, 2014 3:33 pm

I contacted my local Labor MP about the camp fees and what they intend to do about it if elected.

This is the Reply

Hi (Scroggin)

Thank you for raising your concerns about camping fees in National Parks.

James and the Labor Opposition colleagues argued strongly against the introduction of the new fees.

There is no doubt they will have an enormous impact on families who currently camp in our National Parks.

When we were in Government we removed the entry fees to National Parks - this was done to increase visitations and because it was clear from the reports that the cost of collecting the fees was greater than the fees that were collected.

We are also aware that the booking system currently being used leaves a lot to be desired.

Labor will certainly take your concerns and ideas into account as we finalise our environment policies.

Thank you again for sharing your views with us.

With regards,

Bev Stewart

office of
James Merlino MP
Member for Monbulk
Deputy Leader of the Opposition | Shadow Minister for Education

Can't see much changing

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Thu 27 Nov, 2014 3:59 pm

This is about camping. Why did you write to Ed. Minister? My friends and I will write to the appropriate authority after the election.

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Thu 27 Nov, 2014 5:07 pm

Because he is my local member.

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Thu 27 Nov, 2014 6:16 pm

scroggin wrote:Because he is my local member.

Same here. I had a conversation with one of his campaign crew and all they wanted to talk about was education and that they would not sell off Swinburn at Lilydale. They had no knowledge of the National Parks camping fees debacle.

The choices are a sad lot this weekend :roll:

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Thu 27 Nov, 2014 8:39 pm

My friends and I will write to the appropriate authority after the election.

We will be trying with our knowledge and skills and aiming for reasonable camping fees.

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Thu 27 Nov, 2014 9:39 pm

Typical politician mumbo jumbo.....say a lot,but mean nothing.......what a pathetic choice this weekend :evil: :evil:

Re: Wilsons Prom Camping Fees

Thu 27 Aug, 2015 3:35 pm

Hi there, we have two unpowered sites available, got too lucky in the Ballot this year!

Jan 2 - 9th 2016, each site is $493.50 for the week, 8 people per site.

I can be contacted at if you are interested, I can show you all the booking info.

Happy walking!

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