Tiger snake bite at Cranbourne Botanical Gardens

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Tiger snake bite at Cranbourne Botanical Gardens

Postby The Trout Hunter » Sun 28 Sep, 2014 8:04 pm

Be careful out there, the snakes are always out there..

I was there today after lunch and didn't know of the snake bite until we got home. Knowing with the sun out there could be the chance of a snake sighting I warned my 3 kids to stay on the tracks and be watchful. We did get warned when we walked in that there had been a few snakes sighted but we didn't see any..

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Re: Tiger snake bite at Cranbourne Botanical Gardens

Postby north-north-west » Mon 29 Sep, 2014 6:53 am

There are signs all over the RBGC stating the basic fact that "SNAKES SHARE THESE PATHS".
Sure, be careful, especially at this time of the year when they're waking up and bound to be particularly hungry and grumpy. But they've always been a factor there. Sightings really aren't that common, even off the tracks - I used to visit this place frequently and have only ever seen three snakes (all big tigers), and those all off-track.
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Re: Tiger snake bite at Cranbourne Botanical Gardens

Postby neilmny » Mon 29 Sep, 2014 10:37 am

Had a bit of time to spare so we walked from Cape Schanck to Bushrangers Bay on Friday. Met a lady coming the other way who warned of seeing a few snakes "back there" so paid
more attention to where we put our feet. We saw none ourselves and thought maybe she was just being a little cautious until the group we were following on the way back, a couple of ladies
and a bunch of kids, were discussing the snake they saw and how it flattened it's neck and was a tad "agressive" towards them. Time to start wearing our gaiters when in the bush.

As an aside, a funny comment we heard was from the the person telling the story who thought "only rattle snakes flattened out their necks like that". :shock:
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Re: Tiger snake bite at Cranbourne Botanical Gardens

Postby Strider » Mon 29 Sep, 2014 8:32 pm

neilmny wrote:As an aside, a funny comment we heard was from the the person telling the story who thought "only rattle snakes flattened out their necks like that". :shock:

I guess this confirms it - must have been a rattle snake!!!

Gaiters, gaiters, gaiters. Who cares if you look stupid wearing them on an easy track.
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