Tarra Valley. Great for kids.

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Tarra Valley. Great for kids.

Postby Alittleruff » Thu 02 Apr, 2015 3:10 pm

G'day, I'm posting because we spent this morning checking out Tarra Valley. We also spent a little bit of time having a look at the Caravan park up the road, and I had much needed coffee and the kids had some lollies. What a wonderful location. The tracks are very well maintained, and easy to walk. The waterfalls and the way the light came through the canopy was amazing. The signs were informative and educational. It was a great place for kids to go and explore, while staying on the track. Tarra Valley had great "Loo's with a view", actually, the view was pretty amazing. The two sheltered picnic areas, were like the toilets well maintained and clean. It rained quite a bit, and it was a bit cold, jackets are recommended even on warmer days because the temperature is colder in the rainforest. The kids really enjoyed our short stop at the caravan park, and Jo-Jo the cocky was a bit of a highlight, cheeky bird was as big as some chickens and kept saying "scratch" and wanting a scratch on the side of his neck. He was just adorable, as was the way it made my 16month laugh with pure joy.

Checking out the prices for the caravan park, they are really, really reasonable. The 'peak' season is just the public holidays over Easter, and they still have spots after this Easter weekend in school holiday time! Coffee- $3.50! FULL lolly bags $2. This place is a holiday destination, without the holiday price tags!! I think we will have to book in soon.

I thought I'd just suggest it for the bushwalkers with little ones in tow. My kids are 8, 6 and 16months and could handle the track with ease. The little one was carried on my back in a baby carrier. There are quite a few stairs, so prams would have to have a helper for sections of it to get down the stairs and back up. Not impossible, but I preferred the ease of carrying our toddler.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Tarra Valley. Great for kids.

Postby sim1oz » Thu 02 Apr, 2015 6:03 pm

Sounds lovely. I've added it to the list. Thanks for sharing.
Carpe diem!
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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