Ada mill 2 campsite near powelltown

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Ada mill 2 campsite near powelltown

Postby ebanna » Sun 14 Feb, 2016 8:13 pm

We are planning on doing a short overnight walk with our 3 kids (9,7 and 6) from the ada picnic ground, via the ada tree to the ada mill 2 campsite. I would be grateful for some information about this campsite. Are leeches a particular problem? ( we are going in a few weeks) I have also seen someone mention in a blog that insects were a big problem? Is it close to the river and is it a river with enough flow to be used for drinking water ( sterilised)?

Thank you in advance!
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Re: Ada mill 2 campsite near powelltown

Postby MickyB » Mon 15 Feb, 2016 7:51 am

From memory a forum member completed the whole track before Christmas. John Strider??? Might be worth doing a search.

The following might be useful for you ... ory_lr.pdf

I have never completed that walk but have done walks in the area and I'm confident in saying that leeches will be a problem.
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Re: Ada mill 2 campsite near powelltown

Postby JohnStrider » Mon 15 Feb, 2016 3:54 pm

Hi ebanna,

So you are going from the Ada Picnic Ground carpark to Ada Mill 2, correct? There will be leeches about as it gets quite cool on that track; particularly if the rain sets in. They're not too bad but considering you have three children with you, just be mindful of them and having something on you should they latch on. I had one latch on but oi managed to flick it away.

I believe there is a stream not too far from the Ada Mill 2 campsite, but can't remember if it's running all that fast for you to drink out of. I was there around March last year. There was someone else on the forum who walked that track prior to Xmas who may be able to help you: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=22036

From the looks of dougal73's pics, I would make sure that you wear long pants and wear appropriate rain gear to avoid any leeches.
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Re: Ada mill 2 campsite near powelltown

Postby ebanna » Mon 15 Feb, 2016 7:43 pm

That's correct, we're going from ada picnic ground to ada mill 2.

If you only had one leech then that sounds fine to me! Once we walked to sealers cove in the rain and we couldn't stop and rest because the adults would just be picking leeches off people the whole time- I wouldn't want to camp in conditions like that!
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Re: Ada mill 2 campsite near powelltown

Postby GregR » Tue 16 Feb, 2016 1:15 pm

Hi Ebanna,

I have walked thru this area several times over the last 3 years. The campground is prone to be muddy, although there are raised tent platforms to pitch your tent onto as well as food boxes to store your food in. I last passed thru here 4 weeks ago on a bone dry summers day and the camping area was in good nick. In wet conditions it is very wet there. The track that heads up hill away towards the high lead passes thru the river area and the flow was reasonable last time there. Saying that, I have never had to try and drink it so can't really comment on drinkability.

AS for leeches, what can I say- they're there allrighty! :D

I have a couple of pics I can add to show you, I'll need to access a different computer later this arvo.

Lovely place, don't let the slimey blood sucking leeches put you off- after all we let them run the country don't we?


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Re: Ada mill 2 campsite near powelltown

Postby GregR » Tue 16 Feb, 2016 1:37 pm

Here are some pictures from Mid July on a day that Melbourne had one of its worst ever wintry Antartic blasts last year.
Ada 2 Mill Bennetts weekend DVBC.JPG
Ada No2 Mill site Mid July.8C and massive storms hit Melb.
Ada 2 Mill Bennetts weekend DVBC.JPG (203.22 KiB) Viewed 7398 times
Leeches at Ada 2 Mill Boiler.JPG
Leeches at Ada 2 Mill Boiler.JPG (191.63 KiB) Viewed 7398 times
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Re: Ada mill 2 campsite near powelltown

Postby GregR » Tue 16 Feb, 2016 1:43 pm

But wait there's more.
image010.jpg (213.59 KiB) Viewed 7397 times
Crossing little Ada river in Mid winter -old collapsed trestle bridge.
image007.jpg (207.67 KiB) Viewed 7397 times
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Re: Ada mill 2 campsite near powelltown

Postby ebanna » Tue 16 Feb, 2016 1:49 pm

Thank you Greg, that's very helpful. I think we will do this walk, as long as the weather is dry. The photos look very soggy!!
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Re: Ada mill 2 campsite near powelltown

Postby GregR » Tue 16 Feb, 2016 2:44 pm

Soggy doesn't even go close.

Melbourne that day had its worst Winters day in living memory. Hail, snow down to 600m, torrential rain- something like 30mm , wind and generally an abomination weather wise!!. We were staying in a secluded gorgeous old timber cottage in the middle of nowhere nearby with a roaring log fire and not one person wanted to out again the next day. We loved it but we'd had enough!!

You will love it there. The scenery, the old relics around the campsite, it's just a magnificent area. You really are walking into history there.
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