Mount Bogong 2 nights advice

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Mount Bogong 2 nights advice

Postby redisthefastest » Tue 05 Apr, 2016 1:18 pm

Hi guys,

I’m looking for some advice regarding a Mt Bogong hike planned this coming weekend.

I’ve previously been up via the Staircase to the summit and back down, staying overnight at Bivouac hut.

This time I’ll be staying two nights and am interested in exploring the high plains a little more than just spending 10 minutes taking in the views of the summit.

Firstly, is it possible to continue down Mountain Creek Road in a 2wd this time of year to the start of Eskdale Spur, or is it stupid to risk it? I’d like to try summiting via Eskdale for something different, but am not looking forward to walking the Mountain Creek to Camp Creek Gap road. If a 2wd is a no-go, then I’ll probably stick to the Staircase.

Summit camping? Is this also a stupid idea? The weather looks promising so far, and I noticed a few people camping next to the summit cairn when I climbed last May. I guess it is a ‘play it by ear’ type scenario, but just wondering if anybody has any experience doing this.
If pitching on the summit is no good, I was thinking of either heading either to the west peak and camping at the Hooker Plateau, or alternatively heading to Cleve Cole instead. I see a ‘Bogong Creek Falls’ near the west peak. Does anybody know if there is water there this time of year?

As for day two… I’m not so sure. All I know is I would like to end up back at Bivouac hut the second night, for an early-ish descent and drive back to Melbourne.

I am open to route/camp ideas, as I’m not great at estimating how long it will take to get to any of the places beyond the summit.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Mount Bogong 2 nights advice

Postby north-north-west » Tue 05 Apr, 2016 1:41 pm

There is vehicle access to the start of the Eskdale Spur track at Camp Gap. Usually 2wdable in summer/autumn.

This thread has some info on the route.

Summit camping is very much a play it by ear proposition, although it's brilliant if the conditions permit. You can also camp out towards the West Peak or on the Hooker Plateau, or at (or en route to) Cleve Cole. There's water at Cleve Cole and at the gully on the way to West Peak (I've found water there even at the height of summer, but it's been a while since I was there, so no guarantees), or you can collect and carry up from Michell's Hut.
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Re: Mount Bogong 2 nights advice

Postby peregrinator » Tue 05 Apr, 2016 2:58 pm

Here's another way up via Camp Creek Gap and Eskdale Spur:

As for Mountain Creek Track in a 2WD, I don't think so. Actually, given the large number of people who walk it, I believe it should be permanently MVO. But that's another story.
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Re: Mount Bogong 2 nights advice

Postby Lophophaps » Tue 05 Apr, 2016 4:53 pm

The above posts have good advice. If it gets windy you do not want to be on the summit area. West Peak-Hooker Plateau is more sheltered but not much. Another option is to go to Cleve Cole. Where the pole line turns down south-eastish (left) off Saddleback Spur, go ahead and right, keeping on the crest. Drop off left a little into the lee of the hill and in the trees. You can also camp on the crest, but it's exposed. The other place is behind Cleve Cole. There's also nice camping in the old yard about 800 metres NE of the hut across the creek, sheltered. Water in the creek.
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Re: Mount Bogong 2 nights advice

Postby redisthefastest » Wed 06 Apr, 2016 11:16 am

Thanks guys, that's very helpful. I'll take the advice on board and won't attempt the drive to Camp Creek Gap.
Cleve Cole is looking like the best option as a camping destination!

Thanks again
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Re: Mount Bogong 2 nights advice

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 06 Apr, 2016 8:58 pm

I would not try and take a 2 wd up the mtn ck. track to the start of the Eskdale spur. I would not camp above the tree line in the Vic. Alps in 95 % of situations.
If you want to explore the high plains and Mt Bogong then do the Falls Creek/Watch bed creek /Roper's hut hut/ Big River/ T spur/ Cleve Cole Hut/ Eskdale spur route over 3 days and 2 nights. You will need good weather and a car at each end. You will need good fitness too . The Roper's hut to Cleve Cole hut is a big day of walking.
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