by north-north-west » Fri 08 Apr, 2016 1:16 pm
There are 4WD tracks into both Cowombat Flat and the Playground. The former is MVO/walkers beyond the carpark (which is less than 2km from Limestone Rd, from memory) and the latter is a seasonally closed public track. There are plenty of brumby pads on the ridges, but no walking track.
Native Dog is fine - the Limestone/Black Mtn Rd is good gravel all the way, as is the road into the Cowombat carpark. I've done part of the Playground track in a 2wd but if it's deteriorated much since I was last up there it's not a good idea to try it.
There's a parking spot on Limestone Rd just down the hill a little way from the start of the Playground track.
If you're just doing Cobberas 1, the quickest & easiest route is to start at the Cowombat carpark, go up to the ridge from near Bulley Creek, and follow the pads to the summit rock (which is a fun scramble). That would mean diverging from my route a little over half way along the line between Bulley & the Playground. If you want to do the other peaks, it would be a bit of a stretch to try the whole loop in a single day. You might be fit enough to do it easily but you could also end up having to finish in the dark - of course, walking back along the MVO at night is easy enough.
I have walked into the Playground from Limestone Rd, but I don't recall how long it took.
"Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens."