kRaydenH wrote:Thanks for taking the time the give me advice.
I wasn't really sure if the sealers cove track was still closed but that makes things more difficult because I kind of want to do Kersops Peak. I've heard its a challenging steep rocky climb with a rewarding view which is honestly what I live for.
I realised however I have a bit more time than I thought, ill finish work Friday morning around 3-4am and try to wake up around 8 or 9 and probably get to Tidal River around 12:30, I'm thinking I can make it to Halfway Hut by night 1 via Oberon Bay. On Day 2 i'd head past roaring meg, skip the south point (honestly doesn't look to interesting), past the lighthouse and up to little waterloo then maybe even to refuge cove (possibly catching a little bit of a sunset at Kersops but not hanging around till dark obviously before booking it to refuge cove. Then on day 3 wake up early, leave a little before sunrise and maybe catch a bit of the sunrise from Kersops again, back through waterloo, telegraph junction and saddle and up Mt Oberon, then back to tidal river and out. If I really need as well I could take another night on Sunday but ill most likely still be working Monday night so id prefer not to. I am a fairly fast walker but my pack and gear is all pretty heavy and will weigh me down a bit, im thinking it will be about 17.5kg, possibly a bit more at the start since im planning to have a gourmet dinner on night 1 with some fresh ingredients. In general I want to avoid dehydrated meals, so ill probably just subsist on noodles and mashed potatoes for most of the journey after that.
Also I have a few other noob questions, for water will I be all good with just tablets or will I need a filter? Will gaiters be useful at all? I got some really good Quagmire gaiters for the WAs and they're just sitting around currently. Also Is a ground sheet necessary? in every gear video I've seen people bring a tyvek sheet to protect their tent from the ground but I don't have anything to use since the WAs had platforms to camp on.
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