Need some advice on hiking Wilson’s prom

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Need some advice on hiking Wilson’s prom

Postby kRaydenH » Thu 16 May, 2024 7:38 pm

I’m currently working in Bairnsdale and just found out I’ll be working here next week too so I figured I’d do Wilson’s prom on the way home on the 25-27th, I’m hoping to be able to do the southern loop in pretty much 2 days since I may have to go to work back in Melbourne on the night of the 27th and if so I’d like to get home in the early afternoon to sleep (around 12-1ish). Is this realistically doable? If so what route would be best and what is worth seeing, I definitely want to see Mt Oberon but am not sure if it would be better to see on the way down or back up, also curious about the south point and wether people would recommend visiting. I’m usually pretty fast but I don’t have too much overnight hiking experience other than doing the Western Authur’s in Tassie because I’m insane. Also any other recommendations of essential things to bring would be appreciated, I don’t really know what to except in terms of temperature other than it probably being cold at night and hot during the day.
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Need some advice on hiking Wilson’s prom

Postby Baeng72 » Fri 17 May, 2024 4:24 pm

You can do the Southern Circuit in a couple of days.
Sealers Cove track is closed, so the only way to get there is a side-trip from Little Waterloo Bay (LWB). Probably best to leave that for now.

Your starting on a Friday, so the weekend complimentary bus between Tidal River and Telegraph Saddle, that runs through Autumn (check that it's still running at the Office) won't be available.

An itinerary for 2 days, could be Tidal River to Oberon Bay via coast (8km), then to Telegraph Junction (4km), then you have a choice, head East to LWB (6km) or South past Halfway Hut to Roaring Meg (6km).
Book a campspot at either, that would be about a 20km Day.
From Roaring Meg, you can get to South Point, a 2hr return side-trip, but I've not done it.
If you went to LWB, head 10km to the Lighthouse, then 6km to Roaring Meg, and side-trip to South Point, then 12 km to Telegraph Saddle (6km to Telegraph Junction and 6km to Telegraph Saddle with a nice uphill at end) and side-trip to Mt. Oberon (phew!).
If you were at Roaring Meg, do the opposite (South-Point, light-house, LWB, Telegraph Junction, Telegraph Saddle, Mt Oberon).
The bus should be running on the Saturday so catch that back to Tidal River.
If you don't mind walking Sunday Morning, then camp at Halfway Hut/Roaring Meg/LWB (makes easier Saturday) and walk out to Telegraph Junction and onto Telegraph Saddle with Mt. Oberon then bus down to Tidal River.

If you camp at Halfway Hut, then you have a 30km day Saturday, and only a 7km walk Sunday plus Mt. Oberon side trip.
If you camp at either LWB or Roaring Meg, you have a 23km Saturday with South Point side trip, and a 12km walk Sunday with Mt. Oberon side trip.

35km in a day (2nd day of 2 day version is a fair bit when the days are short, but you might be a fast walker).

The weather won't be cold, the ocean moderates the temperature so it isn't prone to real cold like inland. But it might *&^%$#! down rain and be windy, so bring appropriate gear.

Hopefully that makes sense and helps.
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Re: Need some advice on hiking Wilson’s prom

Postby kRaydenH » Sat 18 May, 2024 1:00 am

Thanks for taking the time the give me advice.
I wasn't really sure if the sealers cove track was still closed but that makes things more difficult because I kind of want to do Kersops Peak. I've heard its a challenging steep rocky climb with a rewarding view which is honestly what I live for.

I realised however I have a bit more time than I thought, ill finish work Friday morning around 3-4am and try to wake up around 8 or 9 and probably get to Tidal River around 12:30, I'm thinking I can make it to Halfway Hut by night 1 via Oberon Bay. On Day 2 i'd head past roaring meg, skip the south point (honestly doesn't look to interesting), past the lighthouse and up to little waterloo then maybe even to refuge cove (possibly catching a little bit of a sunset at Kersops but not hanging around till dark obviously before booking it to refuge cove. Then on day 3 wake up early, leave a little before sunrise and maybe catch a bit of the sunrise from Kersops again, back through waterloo, telegraph junction and saddle and up Mt Oberon, then back to tidal river and out. If I really need as well I could take another night on Sunday but ill most likely still be working Monday night so id prefer not to. I am a fairly fast walker but my pack and gear is all pretty heavy and will weigh me down a bit, im thinking it will be about 17.5kg, possibly a bit more at the start since im planning to have a gourmet dinner on night 1 with some fresh ingredients. In general I want to avoid dehydrated meals, so ill probably just subsist on noodles and mashed potatoes for most of the journey after that.

Also I have a few other noob questions, for water will I be all good with just tablets or will I need a filter? Will gaiters be useful at all? I got some really good Quagmire gaiters for the WAs and they're just sitting around currently. Also Is a ground sheet necessary? in every gear video I've seen people bring a tyvek sheet to protect their tent from the ground but I don't have anything to use since the WAs had platforms to camp on.
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Re: Need some advice on hiking Wilson’s prom

Postby Baeng72 » Sat 18 May, 2024 9:52 am

kRaydenH wrote:Thanks for taking the time the give me advice.
I wasn't really sure if the sealers cove track was still closed but that makes things more difficult because I kind of want to do Kersops Peak. I've heard its a challenging steep rocky climb with a rewarding view which is honestly what I live for.

I realised however I have a bit more time than I thought, ill finish work Friday morning around 3-4am and try to wake up around 8 or 9 and probably get to Tidal River around 12:30, I'm thinking I can make it to Halfway Hut by night 1 via Oberon Bay. On Day 2 i'd head past roaring meg, skip the south point (honestly doesn't look to interesting), past the lighthouse and up to little waterloo then maybe even to refuge cove (possibly catching a little bit of a sunset at Kersops but not hanging around till dark obviously before booking it to refuge cove. Then on day 3 wake up early, leave a little before sunrise and maybe catch a bit of the sunrise from Kersops again, back through waterloo, telegraph junction and saddle and up Mt Oberon, then back to tidal river and out. If I really need as well I could take another night on Sunday but ill most likely still be working Monday night so id prefer not to. I am a fairly fast walker but my pack and gear is all pretty heavy and will weigh me down a bit, im thinking it will be about 17.5kg, possibly a bit more at the start since im planning to have a gourmet dinner on night 1 with some fresh ingredients. In general I want to avoid dehydrated meals, so ill probably just subsist on noodles and mashed potatoes for most of the journey after that.

Also I have a few other noob questions, for water will I be all good with just tablets or will I need a filter? Will gaiters be useful at all? I got some really good Quagmire gaiters for the WAs and they're just sitting around currently. Also Is a ground sheet necessary? in every gear video I've seen people bring a tyvek sheet to protect their tent from the ground but I don't have anything to use since the WAs had platforms to camp on.

I've not done Kersop's peak, but have walked past the turnoff on route from LWB to Sealers Cove. The walk from LWB, past North Waterloo bay and to Kersop's could be done as a half-day side-trip from LWB.

The water at Sealers, Refuge and LWB are from a stream, piped from upstream to the campsite. Simple treatment should be fine to kill any possum poo or dead animal in it.
Oberon bay and I think Halfway-Hut has tanks. I've not made it to Roaring Meg, but the website does have info about water if you check out the campsite information when booking.

The campsites are on sand/soft-ground. I don't think there are platforms on the Southern Circuit, but can't guarantee that.
I've camped a couple of times at Oberon and LWB and was recently at Halfway Hut, and I think no ground sheet would be required and haven't used one. But it wouldn't hurt either, especially if your tent has not bathtub.

Gaiters won't be necessary in my opinion. The Southern Circuit it setup for first time overnighter/family camping. The sites have pit toilets, water and the track from Telegraph Junction down past Halfway Hut is a vehicle track (old Telegraph road), as is the side track from Telegraph Junction to Oberon Bay, and the other tracks are well maintained and clear.

If you do the Northern Circuit, gaiters and an unhealthy disregard for your body and gear is mandatory.

Hope that helps, and check at the office/call Parks if you want to verify.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Need some advice on hiking Wilson’s prom

Postby Camminata » Sat 18 May, 2024 2:32 pm


If you do the Northern Circuit, gaiters and an unhealthy disregard for your body and gear is mandatory.

hope this includes mental health too :lol:
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Re: Need some advice on hiking Wilson’s prom

Postby kRaydenH » Sun 19 May, 2024 9:30 pm

Thanks, definitely helps a lot, I think I’m pretty much set tbh, just feels jarring that my last hike took months of planning and like $2.5K in gear, travel and supplies and for this one I planned it in a day and only had to get a few chocolate bars and a pack of instant noodles since I already have all the supplies I need and I’ll just casually do it on the way home from work. It makes me feel like I’m forgetting something.

I’ve heard about the northern, off track route, honestly looks really appealing to me for some reason. Maybe one day when I feel like suffering I’ll give it a go.
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Re: Need some advice on hiking Wilson’s prom

Postby JamesMc » Mon 20 May, 2024 9:30 pm

Hi kRaydenH,
(That was me trying to discourage you from the Western Arthurs earlier this year.)

Compared to the WAs, you will find walking in the southern part of Wilsons Promontory really, really, really easy. Just look at a map and plan how far you want to walk. If you're happy walking 30 km per day on an easy track then do it. Mt Oberon is a bit ugly on account of all the infrastructure on it but is probably a good spot to see the sun set. Kershop Peak is a minor hill, South Point and South East Point are worth visiting. Half Way Hut is a pretty ordinary place to camp. Little Waterloo Bay is much nicer. Really, we go to the Prom for the beaches.

I've done more than a hundred days of walking at Wilsons Prom, have never treated the water there, and never got sick from it. Having said that, the water at the Oberon Bay campsite can be a bit brackish.

The weather can be wet, and can be windy on the beaches, but being so close to the coast, it won't be very cold. The leeches can be bad.


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Re: Need some advice on hiking Wilson’s prom

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 27 May, 2024 4:31 pm

I have walked from Telegraph Saddle to Roaring Meg on day one and then via the Lighthouse and Waterloo bay and back to Telegraph saddle on day two . I then camped at Tidal River in a state of exhaustion.
Day two was approximately 28 kms with an overnight pack
:-0 .
I have walked the Northern Prom. Circuit three times.
I hear the " track" has become worse i.e. NO TRACK!.
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Re: Need some advice on hiking Wilson’s prom

Postby Casparvitch » Fri 31 May, 2024 3:57 pm

I'm planning a trip like that next week PCV - gonna need lots of chocolate.

It's weird to me that parks vic still have a page up about the north loop (
A bunch of better maintained walks particularly in the alps have no official info at all.
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