Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby Xplora » Thu 17 Oct, 2024 5:11 pm

bernieq wrote:I agree entirely that the 'financial' case of the FHAC document is a nonsense. However, that's not where the case against should be aimed.

When the proposal first surfaced, I met with my local member to highlight the many wrongs of the proposal, with particular focus on the financial case. The short story is that, whilst sympathetic (he was a bushwalker himself) to my argument that the walker numbers being touted were ridiculous and so the financial case was fatally flawed, he made a comment that I think is instructional : "It wouldn't be the first time that a Government funded project didn't make a profit"

I took from his comments that other arguments will be more persuasive eg environmental (plant & animal threatened species), 1st Nation concerns, (vocal) public opposition. Politicians make the decision - the arguments need to focus on what influences politicians.

Those driving the walk were pushing the significant economic benefit as one of the selling points but I doubt they could really sell it. The real reason for the walk is the accommodation that will be used in winter for backcountry skiing tours. Those pushing the accommodation have an interest in extending the resort, so to speak, into the park but they were reluctant to foot the bill for the accommodation construction. Parks have taken that on now. There is very little actual interest in the walk itself and the accommodation nodes are conveniently placed in areas that will attract skiers who do not want to tent it. Parks builds it and then when the walk fails (actually before then) the resort will take over the buildings and supply them oversnow. Guests will likely be transported out oversnow so there will not be any need for a day ski in.

What Lops has highlighted is NOBODY is really interested in this walk. It is not iconic in any way. It is not the economic benefit that needs to be argued though so you are right with that. It is that the walk is not popular enough to warrant the attention. Essentially, any part of this walk could be done in a series of day walks with accommodation provided at the resorts but the ARV's have not shown any interest in summer activities until recently and at Falls that has been limited to MTB. Falls ARV are one of the bodies pushing for the luxury style accommodation for the walk. Join the dots.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 17 Oct, 2024 5:40 pm

I will be doing a working bee with BTAC later next week at Tawonga Huts. I will take a photo of the log book entries there.
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby Xplora » Fri 18 Oct, 2024 4:59 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:I will be doing a working bee with BTAC later next week at Tawonga Huts. I will take a photo of the log book entries there.

Tawonga huts is not actually on the current FHAC alignment. Might not be of much value.
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby stry » Fri 18 Oct, 2024 9:18 am

Xplora wrote:Those driving the walk were pushing the significant economic benefit as one of the selling points but I doubt they could really sell it. The real reason for the walk is the accommodation that will be used in winter for backcountry skiing tours. Those pushing the accommodation have an interest in extending the resort, so to speak, into the park but they were reluctant to foot the bill for the accommodation construction. Parks have taken that on now. There is very little actual interest in the walk itself and the accommodation nodes are conveniently placed in areas that will attract skiers who do not want to tent it. Parks builds it and then when the walk fails (actually before then) the resort will take over the buildings and supply them oversnow. Guests will likely be transported out oversnow so there will not be any need for a day ski in.

What Lops has highlighted is NOBODY is really interested in this walk. It is not iconic in any way. It is not the economic benefit that needs to be argued though so you are right with that. It is that the walk is not popular enough to warrant the attention. Essentially, any part of this walk could be done in a series of day walks with accommodation provided at the resorts but the ARV's have not shown any interest in summer activities until recently and at Falls that has been limited to MTB. Falls ARV are one of the bodies pushing for the luxury style accommodation for the walk. Join the dots.

Very logical, and a text book case of a conspiracy "theory" being fact. It's becoming increasingly clear that the income aspect and the whole FHAC was only ever an intentional distraction, and that the game all along was to get the Razorback and Feathertop under Resorts control.

Now that the plot has been put so clearly (and I believe accurately) by Explora, the problem is still how to effectively oppose the plot.
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby Lophophaps » Fri 18 Oct, 2024 10:36 am

Xplora wrote:Tawonga huts is not actually on the current FHAC alignment. Might not be of much value.

This is a good point. I was getting the proposed Tawonga Huts node confused with the current overnight stops at Cope and Dibbins Hut. I said:
"The FHAC walk has three campsites: Cope Hut, Tawonga Huts and Dibbins Hut. If 100 walkers stay at these places then there are 300 walker nights. The maths is easy – 17,000/300 = 56. That is, the DMP 17,000 figure is out by over 50 times. An alternative is that the popularity is falling, down by 98%."
As there are only two overnights on the current FHAC the above maths needs to be revised.
100 walkers, 2 nights, 200 walker nights
17,000/200 = 85 times
200/17,000 = about 1%, so the numbers may have dropped by 99%

It does not matter much if the 17,000 walker night figure from the 2016 Draft management plan is overstated by 50 or 85 time, or if the drop in custom is 98% or 99%. The general picture is as many have said for seven years.

I'm contacting opposition MPs, with my main theme that the DMP and the minister have been economical with the truth, and that there is gross economic mismanagement. The media are not interested, but if they keep getting advice about government shortcomings and wasted funds they may pick it up. Of course with billions of dollars wasted on major works, FHAC is small beer.
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sat 19 Oct, 2024 2:30 pm

IMHO the ARV only want to operate Buller, Falls and Hotham as ski resorts in VIC.. They are slowly disinvesting in Lake Mtn., Baw Baw and Stirling.
Under the present regime I expect these three places to become the same as Mt. Buffalo is now ( i.e. Kaput ) before this decade is over.
So they are well interested in expanding the Falls/ Hotham footprint in a any shape or form.
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby Xplora » Fri 22 Nov, 2024 10:55 am

Update provided today.
https://www.parks.vic.gov.au/projects/e ... %20webpage

Some changes. Tawonga huts is out but Westons is in. This means you will not be able to camp at Westons unless you pay. It is only a small site and no space to get 100m away from the planned development. This plan just gets worse but one thing has improved. No huts. High Knob will have platforms and a toilet. Westons is a nice spot but I probably wouldn't bother camping there. I know of others who have but it is not far to Blairs if you are going that way. It seems also the existing platforms at Cope Hut will be used instead of a new area being cleared. Logical. Cope to Blairs is an easy day and there is more room down by the river to spread out and everyone can find a place to pitch a tent.
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sat 23 Nov, 2024 8:44 am

The update shows that The Diamantina spur is still in the plan. Newbie user pays
glampers will not do well going up or down The Diamantina spur. It is TOUGH!.
At least the High Knob campsite will not AFAIK be cleared of trees
nor will a helipad be installed to fly slaves in for grape peeling duties for tired and emotional glampers( sic).
When looking for a silver lining in this dark debacle of a black cloud ,
there will be a pit loo installed at Weston's hut and now at High Knob.
In past green seasons I have had that beautiful campsite at High Knob to myself simply because
I had to go and fetch water from the spring near the Bungalow spur hut ruins or on the MUMC hut track and dig my own latrine.
That was a deal breaker for most of the masses at Fed. hut, many of whom are newbies to the area in general.
Last edited by paidal_chalne_vala on Mon 25 Nov, 2024 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby Xplora » Sat 23 Nov, 2024 3:59 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:The update shows that The Diamantina spur is still in the plan. Newbie user pays
glampers will not do well going up or down The Diamantina spur. It is TOUGH!.

So the owner of one company I know who is guiding the existing FHAC said he would not be taking his clients up it. I think it is safe to say not many will do it so not need to get the knickers in a twist about that one.

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:At least the High Knob campsite will not AFAIK be cleared of trees
nor will a helipad be installed to fly slaves in for grape peeling duties for tired and emotional glampers( sic).

I believe High Knob is already used as a helipad. That was the information provided to me by a personal friend in PV who works with the aerial fire crews.

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:When looking for a silver lining in this dark debacle of a black cloud ,
there will be a pit loo installed at Weston's hut and now at High Knob.
In past green seasons I have had that beautiful campsite at High Knob to myself simple because
I had to go and fetch water from the spring near the Bungalow spur hut ruins or on the MUMC hut track and dig my own latrine.
That was a deal breaker for most of the masses at Fed. hut, many of whom are newbies to the area in general.

No camping within 100m of camping platforms is not so much a silver lining. Not a lot of flat ground 100m away from Westons Hut. Honestly, the whole thing will fall flat in my opinion but if you try to camp where you shouldn't and a tour group (or paying group) does happen to come by you might have some issues. I don't use Westons but I know some do in summer and winter. it would be worth writing your objection to this the use of this site at the exclusion of others. The purpose of the walk was to make it available to others who might not be self sufficient walkers. Walking from Cope to Westons in a day is pretty easy for most people and there is bugger all else to do once you are there at lunchtime. Just another example of how poorly considered the whole plan is. Why not walk them to the Kiewa river? Plenty of room down there for everyone to spread out and only an hour or so further. The next day can be Diamantina and Feathertop or out via Swindlers Spur but apparently the only thing that makes the plan iconic is the walk up Diamantina spur and a Feathertop summit.
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby Lophophaps » Sat 23 Nov, 2024 4:44 pm

Xplorer, agreed. The maps are not that useful in that I cannot see exactly where Cope and Diamantina Spur platforms are located. Westons is a bad place for platforms. Flat ground is at a premium, and as you say, 100 metres away is not possible. When they had platforms at Federation there was a quick response from bushwalkers along the lines "Where do we camp?" If there's a similar response about Westons then the platforms may be put at Blairs. There was another push along the lines that current users will no longer be able to use some places, also successful. I think. This matter has been dragging on for six years. Agreed, an hour or so from Westons, slightly better placed to tackle Diamantina. The toilets will probably be pods like at other huts.

I cannot recall a helipad at the top of Diamantina Spur, or an area big enough to land a helicopter. There are a series of big clearings about 10 minutes from The Razorback on that level. It looks like the platforms will be more or less hidden, nice.

There's a maxim when bad legislation is found - if no-one is going to be hurt, enforce the law and watch it fail. While I don't like the Westons platforms or the proposed track "improvements" on Diamantina I can live with them. The scaled back Diamantina platforms will be mostly hidden. Watch the money wasted as hardly anyone will use the FHAC. Hopefully word will get around that you do not have to pay to camp on grass. So walkers may go past the platfroms, use the toilets and shelters, and not pay anything.
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 25 Nov, 2024 2:36 pm

The present camping platforms at Cope Hut and Dibbins hut area are widely ignored and
seldom used. Add these other white elephants to that list of useless additions to the area.

Instead of putting user plays glampers at Weston's hut for a night then why not put them up at the
Red Robin Battery ( Miner and former lease holder Ken Harris's old residence)?
There is a helipad near there already.
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby scroggin » Mon 25 Nov, 2024 3:48 pm

From what I can see of the preliminary Detailed Design, would this be the location for the High Knob accommodation?

High Knob.PNG
High Knob

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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 27 Nov, 2024 8:11 am

Yes , that is the place. It is a beautiful bush camp site at present. I have camped there a number of times over the
years. Get out there and enjoy it before it becomes developed.
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby juz » Wed 27 Nov, 2024 2:25 pm

I concur with PCV. Seems an aweful shame to be ruining one of the best alpine camping areas in Vic.
I don't understand how anyone could think this will improve the camp site. Crazy town.
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 27 Nov, 2024 2:53 pm

They paved paradise and put up a
FHAC piece of shyte( Sorry to Joni Mitchell ).
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Re: Falls Creek to Mt Hotham Alpine Crossing

Postby Lophophaps » Sun 05 Jan, 2025 10:56 am

In early November 2016 Parks Victoria released the FHAC Draft Management Plan. There was a very short time to respond, perhaps before Christmas. After a lot of immediate protests the submission deadline was extended to late January 2017. I cannot find a record in my files of these three dates:
DMP released
Submission deadline
Revised submission deadline.

Can someone fill in the dates? Thanks.
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