bernieq wrote:I agree entirely that the 'financial' case of the FHAC document is a nonsense. However, that's not where the case against should be aimed.
When the proposal first surfaced, I met with my local member to highlight the many wrongs of the proposal, with particular focus on the financial case. The short story is that, whilst sympathetic (he was a bushwalker himself) to my argument that the walker numbers being touted were ridiculous and so the financial case was fatally flawed, he made a comment that I think is instructional : "It wouldn't be the first time that a Government funded project didn't make a profit"
I took from his comments that other arguments will be more persuasive eg environmental (plant & animal threatened species), 1st Nation concerns, (vocal) public opposition. Politicians make the decision - the arguments need to focus on what influences politicians.
Those driving the walk were pushing the significant economic benefit as one of the selling points but I doubt they could really sell it. The real reason for the walk is the accommodation that will be used in winter for backcountry skiing tours. Those pushing the accommodation have an interest in extending the resort, so to speak, into the park but they were reluctant to foot the bill for the accommodation construction. Parks have taken that on now. There is very little actual interest in the walk itself and the accommodation nodes are conveniently placed in areas that will attract skiers who do not want to tent it. Parks builds it and then when the walk fails (actually before then) the resort will take over the buildings and supply them oversnow. Guests will likely be transported out oversnow so there will not be any need for a day ski in.
What Lops has highlighted is NOBODY is really interested in this walk. It is not iconic in any way. It is not the economic benefit that needs to be argued though so you are right with that. It is that the walk is not popular enough to warrant the attention. Essentially, any part of this walk could be done in a series of day walks with accommodation provided at the resorts but the ARV's have not shown any interest in summer activities until recently and at Falls that has been limited to MTB. Falls ARV are one of the bodies pushing for the luxury style accommodation for the walk. Join the dots.