I’m also in two minds, Hallu. I like the idea of an end to end walk through the Grampians but I don’t want the region destroyed by high volume throughput and the associated infrastructure.
The Grampians hold great value – environmental, cultural, wilderness, flora, fauna, …. The remoteness of the Serra Range, for example, draws me. It’s tough walking, rocky, remote, dry. I don’t want that decimated by Hiker Lodges, benched trails and (save us) USB charging points. Mind you, an occasional water tank wouldn’t hurt
- looking south across the Serra Range - May 2013
The closing date for submissions is 11 June 2014 – so, if you care about the Gramps, get off your b** and put in an opinion.
You can read the Master Plan at :
http://parkweb.vic.gov.au/explore/parks ... peak-trailThen :
do the 6 question survey :
https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YW9CF672. and/or
write a submission and email it to :
gptmp@parks.vic.gov.auBTW, the proposed route is by no means set – if you have routing suggestions, include them in your submission.