by north-north-west » Thu 27 Sep, 2012 7:12 pm
I've been thinking about this, and it seems we basically have two options: one is to give points for every tracked route and the common untracked ones, or to give the points for the most commonly used route.
While I love the idea of having every major route included, it would take a lot of work. Far too much, in fact. Just think about the plethora of options for Bogong. Going for the most common route still leaves a few questions (Bungalow or the Razorback for Feathertop, for instance?), but keeps it reasonably simple.
The other issue is whether to do as I have so far and omit anything that can be easily driven to (Selma, Victor, Useful, Donna Buang) or whether to include them with or without a proviso that a certain minimum distance must be covered to claim the points - which gets you back to the points for routes issue. There's no easy way around that one.
"Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens."