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Bicentennial Walking Trail (Victoria section)

PostPosted: Wed 12 Sep, 2012 1:20 pm
by andrewbish
While poring over a map today I discover this trail running through the alpine areas near Moroka. Further investigation has revealed the Bicentennial National Trail site. There doesn't seem to be too much info about this trail, apart from the site. Has anyone walked this trail in Vic? What was it like - is it mostly 4wd tracks?


Re: Bicentennial Walking Trail (Victoria section)

PostPosted: Thu 13 Sep, 2012 7:28 am
by ofuros
Hi Andrew,
Not that this helps you in Victoria....but I have done sections in northern NSW around Ebor,
mainly to gain access to trout fishing streams in the area.
They're mainly a combination of old logging roads, old farmers tracks etc etc linking old stock routes.
But they provide easy access to some remote areas.

Re: Bicentennial Walking Trail (Victoria section)

PostPosted: Thu 13 Sep, 2012 5:12 pm
by bernieq
Hi Andrew,

John Chapman references the trail at

There's enough information to convince me that it is of limited value for bushwalking.

Re: Bicentennial Walking Trail (Victoria section)

PostPosted: Thu 13 Sep, 2012 9:30 pm
by vicpres

My wife's eldest nephew is currently riding the BNT from Healesville (he left there 25/2) to .......i.e as far as he gets. He is currently in Toowoomba.

The BNT is a shared use trail designed for horse and non-motorised wheeled traffic. It mostly is on forest roads and fire trails etc for most of its length, many of which are open to vehicle traffic anyway.

I should also have mentioned in my original post that the BNT is divided up into 15 sections numbered from north to south and there is a guide book for each section. However, many of the books are way out of date having been published in the early 90s, though there is an update program underway but none of the Victoria books have been done yet. As far as the BNT web site is concerned, it is supposed to be the source of the latest information but their idea of latest and mine are poles apart with some info 2 years or more out of date.

Re: Bicentennial Walking Trail (Victoria section)

PostPosted: Sat 15 Sep, 2012 8:08 am
by andrewbish
Thanks all for your responses. The section of the walk near Licola goes through some interesting country, so I will do a walk there sometime. Will share the report & pics once done.
