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Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Sun 16 Sep, 2012 4:52 pm
by jford
Does anyone know when the track from Telegraph Saddle to Sealers is likely to reopen? The Parks Vic website just says it's still closed, but no indication of when it might open. I know it was a hell of a storm in March last year, but that's eighteen months ago! Must have done some serious damage.


Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Mon 17 Sep, 2012 5:31 am
by Pongo
I was there a month ago and all the 'no go' signage was still up and there was still evidence of works being done. My guess is that they'll take their sweet time. Try via oberon bay, it's longer but still a very nice walk.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Mon 17 Sep, 2012 12:35 pm
by jford
Yes, Sealers via Oberon Bay would be great walk, but I do like a loop. Was hoping to take my son on the full circuit walk before he gets too much older! I have no doubt there's heaps of work to be done, just wondering when it might be complete.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Tue 18 Sep, 2012 11:55 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
The track from Tidal to Sealers' is still closed.This means the loop is still shut. I am not keen on back tracking from sealers' to Oberon Bay .

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Wed 19 Sep, 2012 3:25 pm
by Promhills
I have just received advice from Parks Vic that the Sealers Cove track should be reopened around Easter 2013. Next time you are down at the Prom, call into the Tidal River info centre, there are photo of the flood damage on some of the walking tracks - fascinating to look at and will give you an idea of why it has taken so long. Good news though - Mount Oberon walk, Telegraph Tack and Cotters Lake walks look to reopen just before Christmas 2012. Wilsons Prom Hiking and Camping Hire.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Wed 24 Oct, 2012 6:01 pm
by Pongo
Have just come back from Tidal River to Little Waterloo just thought I'd give a quick update, not that there's much to tell.

Telegraph track is still closed from the junction (meaning Oberon is still your only access route). The junction is no longer littered with dozer tracks as some sort of gravel has been put down on the road. The long drop at Little Waterloo has run out of water and has backed up. It's now a short drop... :cry:

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Sun 17 Mar, 2013 8:18 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
I walked from Telegraph saddle down the Telegraph track to telegraph junction and then onto LW bay and then to Refuge cove in one L O N G day over the March long weekend.
Day 2 we made it to Half way hut.
Day 3 we walked to Tidal River via Oberon Bay.
It was hot and sunny . It was Fab.
The Sealers' cove track will be 101% definitely open for Easter. It is official. I must go down there in April and see what the track is like now that It is fixed.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Mon 18 Mar, 2013 1:01 pm
by bobbydee
I just called Wilsons Prom,

Telegraph Saddle to sealers will definately NOT be open for easter....

thanks Jess (from WP)

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Thu 04 Apr, 2013 4:52 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
Thanks for the advice.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Mon 06 May, 2013 11:13 am
by jford
Was down at the Prom on the weekend. The information centre staff said the Telegraph Saddle to Sealer's track will be open on Queen's Birthday weekend, so the full loop will be available to those who want to do it.

First time I'd been down there for a while. The damage done by the floods in 2011 is pretty extreme.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Tue 07 May, 2013 5:17 pm
by ryantmalone
jford wrote:Was down at the Prom on the weekend. The information centre staff said the Telegraph Saddle to Sealer's track will be open on Queen's Birthday weekend, so the full loop will be available to those who want to do it.

First time I'd been down there for a while. The damage done by the floods in 2011 is pretty extreme.

I wonder if they are taking bookings for that weekend yet?

I suspect that Queens Birthday weekend may be a tad busy out that neck of the woods.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Tue 07 May, 2013 5:36 pm
by Hallu
I wouldn't be surprised if they were already fully booked, although it's not the perfect season to go to the Prom'. I'd rather do something like the Little Desert discovery loop instead if I were you.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Tue 07 May, 2013 6:22 pm
by ryantmalone
Hallu wrote:I wouldn't be surprised if they were already fully booked, although it's not the perfect season to go to the Prom'. I'd rather do something like the Little Desert discovery loop instead if I were you.

I've grown up doing the Prom in winter. Definitely nicer in the warmer (but not too warm) season, but have always enjoyed getting a little wet at the Prom.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Tue 07 May, 2013 11:25 pm
by Hallu
Personally I avoid it because 1) it makes for rubbish photos, I don't have a fancy reflex and everything to take good pictures on a grey day and 2) animals usually don't go out in the rain, even though rough seas and misty hills have their appeal.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Thu 09 May, 2013 3:55 pm
by Earwig
Winter - the only time the walking tracks aren't crowded!

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Thu 09 May, 2013 4:22 pm
by Hallu
On the Prom' that may be true (although few people do Millers Landing, my favorite place there, especially at high tide), but even in summer in Victoria, you can do some amazing coastal walking and be alone... Rainbow Falls is a good example, Croajingolong another one. I haven't tried Cape Nelson and Discovery Bay, but I'm guessing it can be easy to be alone too.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Fri 10 May, 2013 9:12 am
by Earwig
I was thinking of the southern bits of the Prom - Waterloo, sealers and Refuge in particular as being crowded. I've hiked it in June - we picked the shortest day of the year - and saw no-one else in three days. A great hike with horizontal rain greeting us when we hit Sealers Cove. I've also hiked it in summer and struggled to squeeze my tent into the overpopulated Waterloo Bay. Mid week can still be pretty quiet outside school holidays though.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Mon 27 May, 2013 7:48 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
I hiked with two other people , from Telegraph saddle to Refuge cove in one day on the Labour day weekend , March 2013. On day 2 we made it to half way hut. It was very hot and each beach was a ' cool off and swim' pit stop. Day 3 we went back to Tidal River via Oberon bay. That meant we walked 47 kms in 3 days and two nights with full packs. The Prom in the warm weather is busy but well worth it.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Mon 03 Jun, 2013 8:36 pm
by CaptainC
I've just got an email from Parks Vic that it will be open for Queens Birthday.

Re: Wilsons Prom- Telegraph Saddle to Sealers track

PostPosted: Wed 05 Jun, 2013 11:31 am
we were advised last night at the bushwalking club meeting that the tracks are now open.