gmac wrote:There is a spring at Young's as you approach the hut coming down from the ridge it's on your right, probably 30 metres from the hut.
There was a black pvc pipe to assist with filling. I was last there on Labour Day weekend last year and had no worries.
Probably been there 4 times over the last 5 years and always found water in the spring.
A call to the Border Bushwalking Club (Albury) may help as pretty certain they look after the hut.
Also I camp just below the Fainter South last Nov and Salt Creek had a good flow of water in it. That's the creek you cross before you start the trek up Fainter South.
Good luck with the walk 2 great spots.
Gary Mac
Lophophaps wrote:There are a number of reliable creeks lower down on the ridge, but not so many on the summits. There’s a creek just before the mountain that used to be called Niggerhead. (I can’t recall the name, and can’t spell it either.) If going to there from Youngs Hut, go west up the valley until you reach the saddle, then turn right, northish. The track then descends for about 5-10 minutes, then goes up on a scrubby track, with a fairly reliable creek. From the summit you may be able to find a track or pad over the tops to Little Plain, but I couldn’t see it. From the NH summit I found the best way was down the gully west, then north. The scrub is light if rocky. There’s a good creek at Little Plain, and a bit further north near Fainters. There’s also a soak on the north side of Fainter north. The nearest water to Bogong Jack Hut is probably 600 metre north on the track.
paidal_chalne_vala wrote:HI
Yes the Bogong village to Tawonga huts was my first thought. That seems a bit far for one day in January. I'd be inclined to camp at Salt camp creek near the Fainters and then head for Young's huts on day two .
Lophophaps wrote: Descending Diamantina Spur in winter is not advised - too steep, too long.
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