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Aboriginal art sites

PostPosted: Sun 01 Feb, 2015 11:26 am
by neil_fahey
Hi all,

I'd really like to take the kids to see some Aboriginal rock art but the only ones I know of are around The Grampians. I've just read that that's where 80% of Victoria's sites are, but I'm wondering if anyone know of any other accessible ones in the state?


Re: Aboriginal art sites

PostPosted: Sun 01 Feb, 2015 2:00 pm
by MickyB
Parks Victoria monitors around 120 rock art places registered on the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register. Ninety-one are located within Gariwerd and Black Range State Park. Other sites are at Mount Pilot - Chiltern National Park, Langi Ghiran State Park, and the Mount Talbot, Mount Lawson and Mount Wombat-Garden Range, Flora and Fauna Reserves. ... 1fehd.html

Re: Aboriginal art sites

PostPosted: Sun 01 Feb, 2015 10:28 pm
by Hallu
There's one in the North-East, at Mt Pilot ( ). They're quite faded, but you can feel something when walking through this area. It's small though, and not as wild as the Grampians.

Re: Aboriginal art sites

PostPosted: Wed 04 Feb, 2015 12:39 pm
by neil_fahey
Thanks guys! Awesome. Sorry I took so long to come back but evidently I forgot to subscribe to replies. :)

Re: Aboriginal art sites

PostPosted: Mon 16 Feb, 2015 5:11 pm
by JamesMc
The one at Mt Gorin is very good by Victorian standards. Years since I've been there. There is a car park just off the highway. You follow a track eastward around the southern slopes to a cage in a split boulder if I remember right,

Re: Aboriginal art sites

PostPosted: Thu 19 Feb, 2015 2:28 pm
by neil_fahey
JamesMc: Thanks mate! Is that near Langi Ghiran?

Re: Aboriginal art sites

PostPosted: Thu 19 Feb, 2015 4:30 pm
by bmak
It's the southern end of the langi ghiran range. Very easy to get to and only a short walk.

Re: Aboriginal art sites

PostPosted: Thu 19 Feb, 2015 5:52 pm
by neil_fahey
Thanks heaps! We've actually decided to head to the Gramps tomorrow so might be able to check it out at some stage over the weekend.

Re: Aboriginal art sites

PostPosted: Thu 19 Feb, 2015 7:28 pm
by neil_fahey

Re: Aboriginal art sites

PostPosted: Sun 22 Feb, 2015 8:32 pm
by neil_fahey
Just back from my trip to the Gramps. We ended up finding a Bunjil shelter near Stawell. Someone told me it was the best in Victoria and I can see why, but I guess best is a pretty subjective thing. It had been pretty badly vandalised and now has a cage around it. It's a gorgeous spot though, and I'm glad I visited, especially with the kids. It sparked some very interesting discussions. :)

Also went over to Ngamadjidj shelter on the west side of the Grampians, which I've been to before, and it was closed due to bushfire damage. I'd checked the Parks Vic website before making the trip and there was no mention of closures, so that was unfortunate. Decided to go in for a sneaky look anyway, and the main reason for closure seems to have been that the toilet block had been burned, and I guess they probably haven't had time (or budget) to check that the track was 'safe' yet (eg. potential falling trees, etc.). The area was so badly burned that there wasn't much left of the trees. I didn't feel like that would be an issue at all. The art itself has been partially destroyed. I'm glad I've got photos from my previous visit.