by CaptainC » Wed 20 May, 2015 10:53 pm
I'm not sure what area you class as East Gippsland but there is the Cobberas. From The Playgrounds climb up to Mt Cobberas No 1. Then walk to Middle peak and Cleft Peak. Camp in the saddle between there and Moscow Peak. water is on the east side. Next day go to Moscow Peak and Mt Cobbler 2 then see if you can follow brumby tracks to Cowombat Flat. From here you can do days trips to The Pilot or the source of the Murray and walk out along the management vehicle track.
Then there's Mitchell River NP near Bairnsdale. Take the road north from Glenaladale and turn off along the Mitchell River access road to Angusvale. From here a walking track follows he river south to the Den of the Nargun. There are several good camping spots along the river.
If you want to cross the border by a few Kms you could try Nungatta Plateau. Go up the Cann Valley highway to Hanging Joe Creek. Climb up to the Plateau and explore. Get water from Neenah Creek. Walk out via Genoa river.
East of the Cobberas you could do a circuit around Mt Wombargo - Buchan Tops. For a warm weather trip you could drop down a spur to the Buchan River, walk along it and come up another spur.