Private areas of Lerdederg / Wombat

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Private areas of Lerdederg / Wombat

Postby ErichFromm » Tue 19 May, 2015 4:04 pm

I'm going to have some weekends free soon and wanted to do a mix of car camping and hiking trips.

For the car camping I wanted to go to a place that wasn't too far away but free of other people - get a little privacy to sit around a campfire and maybe carve a spoon while sipping a glass of scotch.

I know that there are a lot of inner fire trails and paths around Lerdederg / Wombat (have seen the youtube clips) but I have no idea where they might be. I've got a Subie Forester so can go a little further than 2WD. Anyone have some directions or sources for relevant maps?
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Private areas of Lerdederg / Wombat

Postby axcarmil » Wed 20 May, 2015 1:52 pm

You are more likely to get the solitude you are seeking at Lerderderg if you avoid anywhere near O'Brien's Crossing and most of the north/north-west of the park.

In terms of driving into the park and car camping, as we normally park at the start of a track and walk in I am not sure of which (if any) tracks have car access. My recollection is that most (if not all) of the fire trails into Lerderderg are gated and locked. (It's not something I have paid much attention to, so could be wrong). The gates don't stop motorbikes, but they would stop a car. There is evidence on some of the tracks that 4WDs have created alternative pathways into some tracks. There are definitely places off Firth Road and Bluegum Track you could pull into and park/camp,some of which are quite large 'parking' areas, but I can't think of a track that you can drive into and be 'hidden' from passing vehicles. If you are willing to walk a short distance, there are ample places to go a little off track and find a quiet spot to camp. Next time I go out there, I'll have a look and let you know if I see any tracks you can legitimately drive into.

The major tracks are on the PV map There are a few more tracks on the Meridian map (e.g., Hogan No to No 5 Tracks), but not all tracks. For example, Mill Track (?) halfway between the Cowen and Lerderderg tracks is not on either map. This track doesn't connect to any other track so is quiet, it is also a flat, short and easy walk to some old camping sites.
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Re: Private areas of Lerdederg / Wombat

Postby ErichFromm » Wed 20 May, 2015 3:48 pm

Thanks. I'll check out the roads you mention. I was going to say "I'll explore and find some and then share" but realized if I found some good private spots I'd keep them to myself. Could explain the liw response for this thread. ;)
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Private areas of Lerdederg / Wombat

Postby carma1 » Wed 03 Jun, 2015 5:50 pm

Bare in mind also, a fair bit of the parks tracks* get closed over the winter period. Bluegum tk, which is the main Nth -Sth rd, closes this weekend and doesn't open again till the end of October. A lot of the tracks* that come off Obriens rd will also be closing for the winter...... These closures wont stop you from hiking, but it will limit your choices.
* vehicle tracks
Just Stromin along, one day at a time...
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