less popular campsites?

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less popular campsites?

Postby rattler » Mon 21 Sep, 2015 12:32 pm

Hi guys,
New to hiking, just did a 21km hike in Wilson's prom yesterday to sealer's cove.

It was gorgeous but there many so many people. Can anyone recommend overnight hikes within a few hours of Melbourne that are less popular?

I am fit and sensible (I think!), and don't mind a hard hike.
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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 21 Sep, 2015 7:02 pm

The Prom in mid week in Spring is good stuff but The Prom has become too popular in many ways. The Alpine N.P. is vast enough to allow some peace and quiet somewhere.
If you can hack a tough hike and you are rather fit then wait until the dirt roads open after Nov. 1st. The Western ridge of Mt. Howitt and MacAlister springs and back will get your heart and lungs pumping and you will see some amazing scenery including the Cross Cut Saw and Mt Magdala. To access the upper Howqua campsite you drive to Telephone box junction at Mt Stirling and then head for the Circuit road and take the turn off at the Bindaree track. It can be tough for a 2WD but it won't trash your car.
If you drive up on a Friday night you might want to camp at saw mill camp site near the Delatite river , just off the Mt Buller road and then start early on Sat. morning. Allow 7 hours hiking up and 5 hours trekking down. The Hut at MacAlister springs is a good one.
I did this in January 2015 and it was hot and tough going. If it isn't so hot it would be less of a slog but it is effing steep in places and there is no water once you leave the Howqua river and hit the Spur until you reach Macalister springs.
. Take a topographical map and a compass. The clouds can roll in over the Mt Howitt summit at any time and reduce visibility to zilch. Be prepared for sudden bad weather too.
All Up the drive from Melb. to Mt Stirling via Mansfield is about 3.5 hours one way . Add another hour to the trail head at the upper Howqua.
I hardly saw anybody up there when I did this and I was alone. It was W I L D .The Howqua feeder/Howitt spur track was a bit overgrown so you might want to wear long gaiters and long sleeves.
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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby JohnStrider » Mon 21 Sep, 2015 7:53 pm

There's some decent trails in Gembrook. Would recommend Mortimer Camping Ground.
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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby JohnStrider » Mon 21 Sep, 2015 7:59 pm

I would also recommend Mitchell River in the Gippsland area. It's only 18km from Angusvale camping ground to the Den of the Nargun, but it is quite a decent walk with many ups and downs. If you're coming from Angusvale, make sure you leave no later than 10am if you want to make the Den of the Nargun before nightfall.
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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby rattler » Mon 21 Sep, 2015 8:39 pm

Thanks for the suggestions!

John, Den of the Nargun sounds ominous! Gembrook is nice and close, I had figured it would be busy due to its relative proximity to Melbourne?

Alpine NP sounds like the go. I have Glenn van der Knijff's alps book so I had a look at Mt. Howitt tonight - looks great! You mentioned November, are certain tracks closed before then? What kind of weather can I expect from October through March? Any chance of snow? Can i get away with a 3 season tent and sleeping bag?


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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 21 Sep, 2015 9:28 pm

The Road from Mt Stirling to the Upper Howqua camp site is shut from June until Cup Day in Nov. Then Parks Vic. opens the gate at the Circuit road.
Most people head up that way in Summer and early Autumn. I am heading back up there in March 2016.
It can snow in spring up there above the tree line , without a doubt ,anytime really.
In fact a 3 seasons tent and 3 seasons sleeping bag will work during summer and autumn. Spring can present suddenly freezing weather and snow. I 'd be happier with a down 4 seasons sleeping bag and 4 seasons tent most times in the Alpine N.P.
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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby Lophophaps » Tue 22 Sep, 2015 11:24 am

If you're prepared to travel further then the Snowy Plains and the Bogong High Plains are pretty in spring. Given the distance, going for three days spreads the commute costs. The Grampians are nice but can be rugged. Warby Ranges, Otways, Baw Baw, Upper Yarra - many choices.
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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby rattler » Tue 22 Sep, 2015 5:47 pm

Thanks for the tips, sounds like I have some exploring to do!

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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby Hallu » Tue 22 Sep, 2015 6:03 pm

If you wanna be almost completely alone, there's also the Mallee country with Wyperfeld and Murray Sunset. But it's not doable over a week end, as they're 4-5 hours from Melbourne, you'd need 3 days. Little Desert is nice too, and the Desert Lodge does dropoffs and pickups for shorter trips of the Desert Discovery walk.

Closer to Melbourne you have Lerderderg and Brisbane Ranges which are classics (even though I'm not a big fan of Lerderderg, too dense with limited views), or the Cathedral Ranges. I love Mt Buffalo too, it's just gorgeous, but I haven't done overnight walks there, there must be some.
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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 22 Sep, 2015 6:39 pm

I am heading up to the Falls creek area for the first weekend of October which is a public holiday weekend for the football. There are plenty of routes you can take around the Falls Creek area .It is a long drive but there is nowhere else like it really.
The gate at the Howitt road on the snowy plains will remain shut until Nov. 1st but there are options before there for hiking and camping. Again it snows in spring up there without warning and you need to be prepared. The Roads in that area can become rather iffy in bad weather so 2 WD users be alert but not alarmed.
Last edited by paidal_chalne_vala on Tue 22 Sep, 2015 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby Travis22 » Tue 22 Sep, 2015 8:58 pm

The gate on Howitt rd will open as it always has "on the Thursday before Cup long weekend".

Thursday the 29th Oct.

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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sat 10 Oct, 2015 11:46 pm

On 3,4/10/15 there was NOBODY else camping at Johnston and Roper huts on the Bogong High Plains and it was a bank holiday weekend.
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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby bwdate » Sun 18 Oct, 2015 9:16 am

what kind of clearance is needed for Mt Howitt Rd from Licola to the Mt Howitt car park? do you need a 4WD?
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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby wildlight » Sun 18 Oct, 2015 10:50 am

Hey bwdate

I posted on another thread re: Licola to Howitt Car Park.

Drive for the conditions- and your 2wd will get you there. Don't let loose on the throttle when the road looks inviting, rocks roll down from embankments and sit on the road in the most unlikely- and unexpected- spots.

Have a great time, it's a spectacular area, regardless of the weather.

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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby bwdate » Sun 18 Oct, 2015 8:54 pm

Thanks so much WildLight,
It is such a beautiful area, fist time I have not hiked in from Cobbler, should be fun.
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Re: less popular campsites?

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 19 Oct, 2015 9:21 am

You will not see many people camping near Long Hill creek on the Crinolene circuit .
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