I'm looking for suggestions for a three day/two night circuit near The Bluff in the Alpine NP to do this Labour Day weekend.
I've done a lot of other walks in the Alps, but this is one region I haven't explored yet.
I've seen some suggested routes on this forum such as:
Day 1: Bluff Car Park (near Refrigerator Gap) to Chesters Yard via Bluff Hut, Lovicks Hut and King Billies.
Day 2: Chesters Yard to the Mt McDonald via Mt Clear and The Nobs.
Day 3: Mt McDonald to Bluff Car Park via Upper Jamieson Hut.
I'm assuming we will be able to find enough water along the route at this time of year. I'm guessing there is no water at Mt McDonald so may need to carry water to our camp from earlier fill points.
Any other suggested routes? Alternatives? Comments.
Thanks, Kalu