by paidal_chalne_vala » Fri 13 May, 2016 12:12 am
It has rained a bit lately . What do walkers think about the chances of water being found in Long Hill Creek?
I f I cannot get people to come with me I might do it solo and return via MacMillan's track over Mt. Tamboritha , going clockwise.
I think It will be slow going so I would plan to cart at least 4 L. of extra water from Long Hill Campsite on day one/first night halt to the Little Tamboritha Saddle on MacMillan's track for a second night halt and then push on down the top of the spur back to Breakfast creek on the third day.
Of course if there is no water in Long Hill Creek then one would be forced to return the way one hiked in, back over Mt Ligar.