High Country 2N/3D advice

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High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby Ejc_24 » Mon 18 Oct, 2021 8:20 pm


I'm fairly new to hiking, usually tagging along with my more experienced friends. I want to go out with my husband on our own in December. Somewhere in the high country, leaving from Wangaratta, but it doesnt have to be a loop (we can get a ride there and back). Ideally 2 nights, 3 days.

I was thinking start at Cope Hut then follow the AAWT through to Mt Bogong summit then finish off at Mountain Creek carpark. Would this be doable? Could do further?

We're fine with gear, fitness and stamina. But general experience is lacking... will we need to know how to use a map properly or is the trail pretty defined? Any other must-knows?

Or if you have a better walk to recommend, keen to know.

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Re: High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby Xplora » Tue 19 Oct, 2021 6:42 am

Welcome to the forum. Your walk idea should be OK if you only lack the navigation experience and don't mind taking two cars. There will also be plenty of people around in December so don't be afraid to ask if you are not sure. The track is defined with markers and the bits that are not road are well defined tracks. Some issues for people who have relied on others and basically followed will be keeping an eye out for signs and turns. You need to be a bit more aware of your surroundings. This walk would be an easy 3 days. Probably finish early on the third day which is good. Don't push it for this first walk on your own. Allow some time for mistakes or just thinking. You would make Roper hut for first camp and a shorter day to Cleve Cole the next. That means you will have some time to visit Howman falls or drop the pack at the top of T Spur and walk up Bossiea to get some great view of the Long Spur and as far as the Main Range.

There are plenty of options in the mountains but this is your plan and it is offers great views with one testing up hill. The river crossing at the bottom of Duanne spur/T Spur should be doable by December. The chain across it needs fixing again but it is not always needed. We are having a wet spring. Get back to me before you go and I will give you an idea of the river depth.
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Re: High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby Lophophaps » Tue 19 Oct, 2021 7:16 am

Welcome to the forum. Xplorer has good advice. One option is to drive to the end of the walk and get a taxi to the start, cost around $100. The advantage of this is that you can end the walk and just drive away. See
https://www.mtbeauty.com/transport/moun ... i-service/
The driver I used was Roly, lovely bloke.

The only place where you may come unstuck is at Ropers Hut. Just before the hut the 4WD track goes left and the AAWT goes right, a bit hard to spot. From the hut go out the door to the toilet and the AAWT is a few metres past that, snow poles.

There's good water everywhere, and plenty of campsites. After The Park there's a few hours of exposed walking, should be okay. Big River will be about knee deep, so find a solid stick and take it slow. The chain may be in place; it often comes away in winter. The Big River campsite is small, limited toilet areas. I always find that while going up T Spur is tiring it's a lot easier on the knees than descending Duane Spur.

There's a nice sheltered campsite at the top of T Spur, good water. You can camp in Camp Valley at the Howmans Falls turnoff, but it may be cold. There are spots on the north bank about 150 metres distance up the hill. Cleve Cole has a big clearing, sheltered. If the weather is bad on the last day you can go down the Eskdale Spur, steep at the top. When you get to the road you can go down the road (longer, gentler) or the foot track (shorter, steeper). Staircase is a bit rough on the knees.

Just pace yourself, take your time, have options planned and you'll be fine.
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Re: High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sat 23 Oct, 2021 9:32 pm

I am interested in doing a huge Mt. Bogong and BHP trek once
we are let out of Melb. after Cup day in early Nov. . My questions are based on
how wet it has been. Is crossing the Spion Kopje Fire trail at the Rocky Valley creek ford doable in early November?
I have only done it before in Jan..
The same question applies to the Big River crossing at the Bottom of the Tee spur. I have only done that in the Dec. to March period. I know the crossing at the bottom of Timm's spur is easier.
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Re: High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby Lophophaps » Sun 24 Oct, 2021 6:17 am

I suspect that crossing Rocky Valley Creek may be a bit dodgy if there's been rain in the weeks leading up to the trip. With the ground saturated with snow melt and precipitation, it will not take much to make the crossing deep. T Spur is similar.
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Re: High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sun 24 Oct, 2021 8:33 am

Thanks LOPS. That is as I suspected. I still think the river crossing at the bottom of Timm's spur should be OK. That could mean leaving the car Bogong Village and grovelling up Black Possum spur and descending Mt. Arthur to camp at Bogong Creek Saddle for the first night. Day two would be the Big River Crossing at the Bottom of Timm's spur and the walk up Timm's spur onto the BHP.
From There a multi night tour of the BHP on foot would conclude at Bogong Jack Saddle and a return to the car/s at Bogong Village.
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Re: High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby north-north-west » Sun 24 Oct, 2021 11:12 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote: Is crossing the Spion Kopje Fire trail at the Rocky Valley creek ford doable in early November?

I've done it in September when the thaw was under way. Doable, but not easy and not pleasant. You'd want to check the water level lower down before committing yourself to it.
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Re: High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sun 24 Oct, 2021 1:10 pm

I will deal with those Bogong Area river crossings in December. I have plenty of places to walk such as Mt. Buffalo, Baw Baw N.P. , Buller / Howitt area all while water is easy to locate prior to Late Dec. .
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Re: High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby Baeng72 » Sun 24 Oct, 2021 2:40 pm

Probably not correct thread, but when are the tracks from Tele box junction to upper Howqua open? I vaguely recall cup weekend Is standard. But with COVID it might be later ? Any knowledge? Thanks.
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Re: High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sun 24 Oct, 2021 6:17 pm

All vehicular access to the Upper Howqua Campsite from TBJ resumes as of the Cup day weekend. If there is a variation then you need to call the DEWLP/ PV in Mansfield.
That area will be too busy next weekend. Wherever I go and whatever I do , I will do it after the Cup day long weekend.
Weston's track via Road No. 3 should reopen too so you can come in from Carter's road and hike up , over Mt. No. 3 and down to the King river if you like.
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Re: High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby Baeng72 » Mon 25 Oct, 2021 5:09 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:All vehicular access to the Upper Howqua Campsite from TBJ resumes as of the Cup day weekend. If there is a variation then you need to call the DEWLP/ PV in Mansfield.
That area will be too busy next weekend. Wherever I go and whatever I do , I will do it after the Cup day long weekend.
Weston's track via Road No. 3 should reopen too so you can come in from Carter's road and hike up , over Mt. No. 3 and down to the King river if you like.

Thanks PCV. I thought as much. I was thinking if I can get away, go to BHP area, but you guys are suggesting rivers might be up, hence wondering about Howqua area. I have a vehicle that can get to upper howqua area but do they send a grader along the tracks before opening? I imagine there would be a bit of deadfall/erosion and I don't pack a chainsaw.
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Re: High Country 2N/3D advice

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 25 Oct, 2021 12:30 pm

I have put together a 5- 6 day itinerary on the BHP that misses all Fords and river crossings and starts and finishes at Bogong Village.

I will tackle the Grey Hills and Black Possum spur on the last day so starting from Bogong Village and going up to Bogong jack Saddle/ The Fainters/ Tawonga Huts/ Youngs SEC hut / Ryder's hut/ Langford Gap/ East Langford Aqueduct/Fitzgerald hut/ Roper's hut/ Warby Corner/ Spion Kopje/ The Grey Hills/ Black Possum spur/Bogong Village/ Junction picnic ground footbridge over Rocky Valley creek.
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