The following is a bit long but it's worth citing.
Climbing Victoria 4 November 2024It is now still less than 4 days since the Jacinta Allan government released the far reaching proposals to change Dyurrite Mt Arapiles.
Since our initial media release earlier this week, we have now had time to digest the details and consider the implications and consequences. We acknowledge the impact and pain felt throughout our community, along with the potential risk to jobs, livelihoods and peoples futures.
We are working tirelessly on a number of fronts. Key initial activities include:
1 In conjunction with the Natimuk Economic and Social Strategy Committee we are sponsoring a petition supported by Emma Kealy MP for Lowan. This petition will be available in the very near future and we are aiming to raise at least 10,000 signatures from Victorian residents so it will have to be heard in parliament. This petition will be calling for a full engagement consultation process.
2 We have secured a meeting with the Minister for Environment, Steve Dimpolous to raise the concerns of the climbing community and other affected stakeholders. We shall also be seeking a guarantee of a genuine and comprehensive consultation to be undertaken and with climbing and the local community, not the sham process that is currently in place.
3 We are working with a network of other key climbing organisations across Australia that have come to our assistance. This demonstrates the value and importance of Dyurrite Mt Arapiles to interstate and international visitors that then visit other parts of Victoria. The first action will be an open letter from these organisations directed to the Allan government.
4 Obtaining greater detail and clarity from Parks Victoria on the details of the proposed management plan for Dyurrite Mt Arapiles.
5 Media interviews and the provision of information to the media has been another key task.
6 Last but not least, we have clarified with Parks Victoria that the Pines Campground will remain open and unchanged as will the road around it.
We continue to fully support and respect the Barengi Gadjin Land Councils’ (BGLC) right to protect cultural heritage and Climbing Victoria are keen to work with BGLC to continue to find solutions so that climbing and the preservation of cultural heritage can coexist in harmony.
We will keep you updated as and when we can.
In the meantime, keep going to Dyurrite Mt Arapiles, it is still open. Go in peace.
You can contact us at
hello@climbingvictoria.comIf this situation is causing you anxiety or distress, please reach to Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 or Lifeline 13 11 14.
Victorian Climbing Club email to members 11 November 2024The VCC committee were shocked and distressed by the Mount Arapiles-Tooan State Park (Dyurrite Cultural Landscape) amended management plan that was released by the Victorian Government on 4 November 2024. The amended plan includes climbing bans across a substantial area of Arapiles/Dyurrite.
We call on VCC members to voice their view. Act now before it is too late! We are working with Climbing Victoria and other interested parties to resolve the situation fairly. In the meantime, here’s a list of things you can do now:
1. The committee needs assistance from club members with expertise in media and PR, and legal services. Please contact me if you can help. My email is below.
2. Make a submission to the amended management plan. See our suggested ‘talking points’ below. The deadline is 1 December so act now!
3. Contact your local state member of parliament to voice your view. It is also probably worthwhile to voice your concerns to members of the opposition:
- John Pesutto, leader of the opposition: Sam Groth, Shadow Minister for Tourism, Sport and Events 4. Sign a petition. There are several on the go:
a. ‘Rock-climbing in Mt Arapiles’ is sponsored by Emma Kealy, Member for Lowan. This is the
preferred petition because it requires a minimum number of signatures to be tabled in
Parliament. You need to be a Victorian resident to sign, and ask friends and family to sign
as well!
b. There is another petition called Save Natimuk! Stop the rock climbing ban at the famous Mt Arapiles!
c. There is a written petition organised by Pat Ford of the Arapiles Historical Society. If you’re in Natimuk, see if you can get hold of Pat or check at Arapiles Mountain Shop.
d. Climbing Victoria is sponsoring an Open Letter Regarding Climbing at Arapiles/Dyurrite
that is also supported by interstate climbing organisations. I have signed this petition on
behalf of VCC but personal signatories are welcome.
5. Contact Emma Kealy directly to register your interest. Emma has been understandably
bombarded lately so keep your message short.
6. Write to Steve Dimopoulos, State Labor Minister for Parks Victoria, at This is probably the most important one. We expect halting or amending the amended plan will require a decision at the State Government level.
We have attached the latest update from Climbing Victoria. The committee will continue to contact members regularly over the next few weeks to keep you up-to-date. We expect to make a call for coming days.
But now - take action! We have less than three weeks to make submissions responding to the management plan.
Steve Toal
VCC President
The most critical part is to contact decision-makers using your own words based on the above. In particular, ask Parks Victoria why climbers and locals were not consulted. PV has to reply; politicians do not. Email the latter too, make them aware of the discontent. It would be good if NGOs like VNPA, TWS, and ACF could get members making submissions. A tidal wave of these will make a difference, just like it did with Falls Hotham and Halls Island.