I haven’t been to much of the Western Bogong High Plains before and looking at incorporating them into a longer circuit walk that covers some of the southern and eastern high plains as well. I am thinking of a 4 to 5 day walk. The southern and eastern high plains I am reasonably familiar with. The section north of the Fainters to Bogong Village, Howman Gap and Spion Kopje (or in reverse) has me a bit stumped though. It looks like it could be a bit of a stretch (for me) to do all of that in 1 day.
What I've come up with is to start and finish at Howman Gap and go in an anti-clockwise direction. Day 1 would see me get to Bogong Jack Saddle or thererabouts via Bogong Village and Spring Saddle. Day 2 would be along the Fainter firetrail to Tawonga Huts or Youngs Hut. Day 3/4 along the eastern high plains and Day 5 along Spion Kopje back to Howman Gap.
It's still a long day 1 for me. Ideally I would do something a bit gentler after the long drive from Melbourne and too much Christmas Pud, but can't always be too picky or won't get done. Any thoughts on how I could break the section from north of the Fainters to Spion Kopje into 2 days? Or better suggestions for a circuit that includes the Fainters? TIA