I'm dropping this quite specific query in a few chats for what will become obvious reasons, forgive me as spam is not intended (if you respond in one chat no need to respond in another). I am starting the Razor-Viking Circuit on 27 Dec - start/finish Upper Howqua, up Mt Howitt, down Helicopter Spur. I've done it before so I know what to expect.
The query is: has anyone been on the circuit since mid-December (not earlier) and can they tell me what the water situation was like at Viking Saddle, the spring off the back of Mt Howitt (not Mac Springs) and at Hellfire Creek at Magdala Saddle? I'm just assuming water at Mac Springs and Camp Creek is AOK. Subsidiary query is - does anyone have some recent-ish intel on the Razor Spur side-trip lately? Any updates till early arvo 26 December will be appreciated, as about then I'll be going off-grid out of mobile range. Thx!