The Prom - open and closed bits

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The Prom - open and closed bits

Postby Earwig » Mon 17 Oct, 2011 8:31 am

If anyone is planning a trip to the Prom, Tidal River is now open but lots of walking tracks are still closed, including all walking tracks in the south and all overnight hiking tracks, and the tracks to Whisky Bay, Darby River Beach , Cotters Lake, Picnic Point, Mt Oberon and the western section of the Tidal Overlook track between Tidal River Bridge and Pillar Point. Mt Oberon Rd is also still closed for repairs.
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Re: The Prom - open and closed bits

Postby andrewbish » Mon 17 Oct, 2011 9:21 am

Thanks, Earwig.

Looks like my plan to to the northern circuit will have to stay on hold a little longer.
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Re: The Prom - open and closed bits

Postby Tofu_Imprint » Tue 18 Oct, 2011 5:21 pm

For those of you that are interested, here is the Parks Victoria link with up to date information on the prom:

I have also attached the most recent "Walks" pamphlet in .JPEG format. Just click on the thumbnail to see a larger version. The PV website has a downloadable .PDF if you prefer.
Please note that this pamphlet is current from September 2011 (According to PV), please check the website for a more up to date guide (if it's being some time since this post).




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Re: The Prom - open and closed bits

Postby 0o_o0 » Fri 16 Dec, 2011 2:22 pm

Parts of the nortern section will be open from 26 December 2011.

The southern section will remain closed until April 2012.

Has anyone walked to Five Mile Beach? The walk looks fairly bland, appears to just follow an access track for 20 odd kms.

Is Five Mile Beach itself & the campsite as beautiful as those in the southern section, ie Sealers, Refuge, etc?
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Re: The Prom - open and closed bits

Postby Earwig » Sat 17 Dec, 2011 12:05 pm

The southern section is more popular for a reason. I walked to Five Mile years many ago and it was a slog. A long hot day on a flat four wheel drive track followed by a couple of k's along the beach to a campsite that was 'okay', then back the same way the next day. The plus is that you will be on your own rather than with twenty other groups giving the hike a more wilderness feel. I'd like to walk to File Mile again, but not in mid-summer and I'd extend the trip and wander further north.
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Re: The Prom - open and closed bits

Postby JamesMc » Sun 18 Dec, 2011 12:27 pm

I quite like the walk to 5 mile beach. Easy walk, sometimes lots of wild flowers. Usually few people, though probably not while south is closed. Nice rain forest at Chinamans ck. The road is very exposed to wind and sun though.

I understand the Chinamans swamp tk has been upgraded to make it more suitable for inexperienced walkers while the south is shut.

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Re: The Prom - open and closed bits

Postby CaptainC » Sun 18 Dec, 2011 6:02 pm

This is from the Parks update issued 15/12/2011

Summer hikes at the Prom
Parks Victoria staff and contractors have been working
extremely hard on reopening the remaining closed
tracks of the Prom after the March 2011 flood event.
It was our hope that we would have the southern
section of the Prom (overnight hikes to Sealers Cove,
Refuge Cove, Little Waterloo Bay and the Lighthouse)
temporarily open for visitors over the summer ballot
period. Whilst works have been progressing very well,
this week we commissioned an independent
engineering risk assessment on the Mt Oberon Road.
This assessment, together with predicted high rainfall
over the next couple of months identified
unacceptable visitor safety risks should this section of
the park be opened before necessary road works are
Whilst this is disappointing, we regard visitor safety as
our number one priority. We believe that working
together with key stakeholders and the tourism
industry, we can jointly promote the still extensive
visitor offer at the Prom and help manage any public
The message that there are still many beautiful tracks
open, including the re‐opening of the Tidal Overlook
and Pillar Point Tracks prior to Christmas is a key one
to reinforce.
To further enhance the visitor offer, we will also
expand our summer holiday activity program and
investigate running the shuttle bus from Tidal River to
the north end of the park to allow visitors to explore
the Millers Landing and the Vereker Outlook walks.
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your
support and encouragement during our flood recovery
Kind Regards,
Helen Dixon
Chief Ranger – Wilsons Promontory National Park
Wilsons Promontory National Park

What walks will be open over summer?
 Norman Beach
 South Norman / Biddy’s Track / Norman Pt
 Squeaky Beach
 Squeaky Beach Track
 Tidal Overlook
 Squeaky Beach via Picnic Bay
 Picnic Bay
 Pillar Point
 Lilly Pilly Link Track
 Lilly Pilly Gully Nature Walk
 Lilly Pilly Gully Circuit
 Mt Bishop Track
 Millers Landing Nature Walk
 Vereker Outlook
 Millers Landing Link Track
 Big Drift
 Woodland Walk
 Picnic Bay, Squeaky Beach, Tidal Overlook, Lilly
Pilly Gully day walk
 Gully car park
 Darby Saddle To Tongue Point
 Darby River to Tongue Point
 Darby River, Fairy Cove, Tongue Point, Darby
Fancy a hike in the northern wilderness?
While the overnight hiking tracks in the southern Prom
will remain closed over summer, intrepid walkers may
like to explore the remote wilderness of the northern
Prom. The Five Mile Road overnight hiking track from
the Five Mile carpark to Five Mile beach will be open
over summer with overnight hikers camp sites
available at Barry Creek and Five Mile Beach.
Bookings are essential and an overnight hiking permit
is required before departing.
What’s next on the agenda?
The flood recovery efforts will continue during the
summer holidays with a dedicated group continuing to
work on the southern walking tracks with reopening
for selected tracks anticipated for April 2012.
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