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razorback track report

PostPosted: Mon 06 Feb, 2012 10:30 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
I led a VNPA hike on 3-5-/2/12 from Mt .Hotham /The Diamantina Hut to Mt. Feathertop along the Razor back track . The track was easy to follow but took some exertion to complete . We camped at the Federation hut campsite and then climbed Mt. Feathertop with packs off. The weather was really clear and sunny.
The scenery was amazing. I recommend this overnight pack carry hike.

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Tue 07 Feb, 2012 10:20 am
by namtrak
Good timing. I'm taking a couple of people up that way in a couple of weekends. They are training for the North Face 100. Do you have an estimate how long it will take them from Harrietville up to Feathertop then over to Dimmatina? At a good walking pace?

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Thu 09 Feb, 2012 11:26 am
by paidal_chalne_vala
In Nov 2011 I climbed up the Bungalow spur to Fed. hut. That was with a full pack. That took about 6 hours. It was tough and I am fit.
Doing That route then onto the D. Hut /Great Alpine Road would take two full days[ 5 hours per day with full packs], going at a humane walking pace.

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Thu 09 Feb, 2012 10:43 pm
by Drifting
I hiked it about a month before the fires in 2003. It was like a narrow slice of heaven...

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Fri 10 Feb, 2012 6:56 am
by namtrak
Thanks guys, they are carrying light backpacks but we are planning to knock it over in one day. They will most likely run the Razorback. They knocked over the Staircase Spur and return in just on 5 hours. I am thinking we can get it done it in maybe 9 hours?

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Fri 10 Feb, 2012 11:26 am
by paidal_chalne_vala
Why the hurry?. This is Paradise. Take it easy!

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Fri 10 Feb, 2012 12:21 pm
by namtrak
:) dont worry im not in a hurry, just those in training. I will be walking it from Hotham back towards them along Razorback and will turn around when we cross paths. I think we will be pretty close to meeting at the Federation hut

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Fri 10 Feb, 2012 5:50 pm
by north-north-west
Steve Monaghetti often runs his training groups in that area. They get up and back down in a few hours.

I've not done Bungalow myself, but I know plenty of less experienced walkers who've done it as a daywalk. Someone reasonably fit and experienced with a light load shouldn't have any trouble in halfway decent weather.

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Fri 10 Feb, 2012 10:53 pm
by Drifting
It is a rough track underfoot, from memory. I'm sure you'll be fine, but there's a lot of foot-jabbing rocks. I did it 8 years ago though, so my memory is not so fresh.

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Sun 19 Feb, 2012 6:51 am
by trickos
Can anyone tell me if this is a reasonable itinerary, please? Harrietville to fed hut via bungalow spur - day 1. fed hut to harrietville via razorback and bon accord spur - day 2. I realise day 2 is a big'n but is this achievable for reasonably fit and moderately experienced hikers? Thanks.

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Sun 19 Feb, 2012 7:28 am
by Marwood
I'm in the category of "reasonably fit and moderately experienced", and did this walk back in Nov 2010. Included going to the summit of Feathertop on the first day after dropping the gear by Fed Hut. The second day back to Harrietville via the Razorback and down Bon Accord was long but OK. Most tiring part I remember was the steep descent down to the old Bon Accord hut site.

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Sun 19 Feb, 2012 1:53 pm
by namtrak
Just some feedback on the walks discussed here.

Bangalow spur to Federation Hut, the guys got up there in 2 hours and 20 minutes - they commented that it was a lot easier than the Staircase Spur up Mt Bogong.

Federation Hut to Mt Feathertop and back to the junction with Razorback, 1 hour and 30 minutes - only comment was that Mt Feathertop was a misleading distance away.

Plus a 20 minute break at the junction near Feathertop.

Razorback to Diamantina, 2 hours neat - very muggy in the snow gum forests. They also got sunburnt over the last 40 minutes or so.

On a personal note I wandered over from Diamantina over the Razorback to the junction (couldn't face the climb up Feathertop) and back in 5 hours and 50 minutes. Now I'm your mainstream pie eating bogan and all in all it was pretty good. I was a bit caught out by the heat of the last 40 minutes. I would suggest not sticking to the main Razorback track on the way. back, but skipping around to East of the track over the last KM or (dodge a climb up a hill)

It was a quite busy - I reckon there was about 50 walkers over the track during the day - and of those there would have been 20 staying the night.

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Sun 19 Feb, 2012 10:14 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
The last push up to Mt Feathertop from the Razorback Junction [aka the cross] is alway s very steep( with or without a pack) and I am super fit and still gasp for air on the last bit up to the summit ridge. ....... It never gets dull or easy .

Re: razorback track report

PostPosted: Mon 09 Apr, 2012 10:15 am
by maxspeedy
I am off for my third Razorback walk on Thursday with my wife and walking group friends (South Gippsland Walking and Adventure Group). The last two walks were over 20 years ago so I am looking forward to it all again. The first two trips were with Scouts and we had all the weather you can get in one day - rain, hail, snow and brilliant sunshine. Just hoping for the sunshine this time. Staying at Hotham and kicking off from Diamantina Hut for an out and back with the stop at Federation Hut for Thursday night. I'll post some PIX if they are any good when we get back. Cheers, Max.