Mackay Highlands Great Walk

Queensland specific bushwalking discussion.
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Queensland specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.

Mackay Highlands Great Walk

Postby Hypocaffeinic » Sun 17 Jun, 2018 3:35 pm

Hello, I am planning a three-night trip fastpacking along the Mackay Great Highlands Walk later this winter. I'm going to start at Eungella and head through to Mt Britton, returning via The Diggings.

Just wondering if anyone has trod that track lately and has information on its current condition? Is the route clear and easy to track? It seems to cross several 4wd tracks, merging with them for parts of the journey, so I want to be sure that I know which to follow!

On that note, are there any more accurate maps available anywhere? I have the PDF map provided by NPSR but it's rudimentary to say the least, and is hard to correlate the southern parts against satellite images. So long as the trail itself is clearly marked this won't be such a biggie, but I'd rather have a map too to be sure.

One last thing - the NPSR map has nice little tap symbols along the way indicating water availability, though does not clarify whether these are rainwater tanks, bores, etc. Are these water sources reliable?

Thanks for any info you might have to share! :)
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Mackay Highlands Great Walk

Postby ken333 » Tue 14 Aug, 2018 4:03 pm

Some of the tracks of the Mackay Highlands Great Walk are on the Qld QTopo maps. You can see them at or
The desktop version requires Silverlight to be installed in your browser. It provides more functions than the mobile version.
Areas of the Qtopo maps can be downloaded into Gps Apps such as Oruxmaps for off-line use. Search for posts in this forum, Also pdf mapsheets can be downloaded and printed.
The sections of MHGW from Eungella to Crediton Loop Rd have been removed from the QTopo maps, probably following Cyclone Debbie damage, in March 2017.
Atherosperma moschatum
Atherosperma moschatum
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