Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

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Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby gbagua » Fri 18 Jan, 2019 9:22 am

Another environmental blow by a local Goverment body, in this case Brisbane City Council:


Brisbane City Council is planning a three part mega-zipline attraction at Mount Coot-tha, which would be a for-profit venture operated by private company Zipline Australia. The project is located entirely within the Mt Coot-tha Trust Lands, held in trust for the people of Brisbane ‘as a site for public park and for no other purpose whatsoever’. BCC is the Trustee.

As the MP for Maiwar, my role is to facilitate community discussion and ask whether the proposed zipline is something the people of Brisbane actually want. After meeting with hundreds of locals, it has become clear that the community response to the project as planned is overwhelmingly negative. As a result, I have been raising the community’s concerns in and outside of parliament over the past few months.

Despite Council’s purported commitment to create a “minimal impact on the environment and to respect and celebrate the ecological and cultural values of Mount Coot-tha”, the megazipline tourism attraction flies in the face of those promises. Although the Greens support to genuine eco-tourism, and despite the paucity of information made available by Council, this project has serious flaws which cannot be greenwashed or overlooked.

I have prepared a brief summary of some of the most commonly expressed concerns here.

Qld State Government's Role

Despite Council acting like the mega-zipline is a done deal, it's not. Because the proposal is on trust land, State government requires the preparation of a draft Land Management Plan by BCC, which has to demonstrate community benefit from the proposed use, clear community support, and evidence of extensive consultation. Head to BCC's website to view the draft land management plan, provide feedback (until 31 December 2018) and see whether you can attend one of the four consultation events from 28 November to 12 December.

The State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA)'s assessment of the mega-zipline proposal was nothing short of scathing. It points out that the Council’s documents are riddled with errors, including major concerns about the extent of the tree clearing required. Council's claims about this were completely incorrect, and actually up to 28 hectares (!!) may be cleared for the project to go ahead in its current form. SARA also pointed out that the proposed height of the top platform will unacceptably impact visual amenity at the existing lookout, yet if it's lowered, many more trees would need to be cleared.

Based on this, we're also asking the community to contact the Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Anthony Lynham (07 3719 7360 or Ask him to reject the plan and use the State government's powers to block the zipline.

More info about the Proposal

The project would include The Treetop canopy tour (stage one), a single zipline 1.5km in length, moving between tree platforms located north of the Mt Coot-tha Summit and finishing immediately west of JC Slaughter Falls. The megazip (stage two) comprises six parallel cables leaving from a platform on the city side of the road in front of the Summit and terminating at the Melaluca lake, Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens and there are platforms and launching areas proposed to facilitate this too. The third stage of the proposal is an Indigenous ‘Cultural Heritage Tour’ with a suspension bridge 335m in length and will link the tree top canopy tour to the arrival centre on Sir Samuel Griffith Drive.

This arrival area is to accommodate the administration and operations centre, bus parking and turnaround area plus hundreds of car parking spaces within the footprint of the existing car park. A zipline shuttle bus service will also run every 15 to 30 minutes on a continuous circuit between the arrival centre, the Summit, Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens and the start of the Tree canopy tour. The general public will be excluded from the physical space for safety reasons; both alongside structures and under them, removing access to the heritage Summitt Track that is under suspension bridge.

Sign the Petition

Petition to all members of the Queensland Parliament including Natural Resources Minister Anthony Lynham, Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch, Minister for Planning Cameron Dick, and the Brisbane City Council:

The people of Brisbane do not want these shoddy ziplines and associated developments at the much loved Mt Coot-tha. Community groups and volunteers have been working tirelessly to uncover details of the proposal that Brisbane City Council have been reluctant to share. Their findings have confirmed that the development application is riddled with errors and drastically underestimates the project’s impacts.

Given the overwhelming community opposition to the proposed private, for-profit use of public land, the devastating impact this development would have on the mountain’s natural environment and wildlife, and the risk of conflict of interest or corruption with BCC approving their own development application, it is imperative that the project is stopped.

Brisbane City Council must scrap the ziplines. Failing that, the State Government can intervene to stop the project, particularly given it is proposed for land held under a Deed Of Grant In Trust. We, your petitioners call on you to stop the megazipline development and protect Mt Coot-tha for good.

You can sign it at the bottom of this link:

Thank you and have a nice day!

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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby rcaffin » Sun 20 Jan, 2019 9:51 am

Brisbane City Council is planning a three part mega-zipline attraction at Mount Coot-tha, which would be a for-profit venture operated by private company Zipline Australia.

I suspect you may have this slightly back to front. I suggest that Zipline Aus has managed to 'persuade' one or two Brisbane councilors to push this idea at Council mtgs. Naturally, there would have been no commercial aspect to that persuasion, none at all. Or are some Councilors financially involved with Zipline, I wonder?

I also strongly doubt that the idea would ever be commercially viable. The costs would be huge and the income small - a bit like Boris Johnson's skyway idea.

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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby bernieq » Mon 21 Jan, 2019 8:43 pm

rcaffin wrote: ... I suspect you may have this slightly back to front. I suggest that Zipline Aus has managed to 'persuade' one or two Brisbane councilors to push this idea at Council mtgs ...

Have you had a look at the BCC website, Roger? The following quote (and other content) certainly reads as the Council running the proposal, not just supporting it.
The zipline is a commitment of Lord Mayor Graham Quirk and forms part of Council's Our Shared Vision Mt Coot-tha 2030

Thanks for highlighting this, Michael. For-profit use of public land needs to be seen as inappropriate in all but the most compelling circumstances - this is not such.

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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby rcaffin » Wed 23 Jan, 2019 12:04 pm

Could one use an FOI to find out whether Graham Quirk is financially involved with Zipline?

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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby CBee » Sat 02 Feb, 2019 8:20 pm

Is part of the project of "putting Brisbane on the world map". The zipline is one of the bright ideas, alongside the new mega casino in the city...
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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby gbagua » Sun 03 Feb, 2019 12:46 pm

No point whinging but most of us know the consequences of cities turn too big, and certainly Brisbane is heading that direction (Urban threats)...I'll stop here. The key word here is very clear:

Environmental degradation

In the meantime please contact the Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy;

Mt Coot-tha Megazipline Proposal

Thank you to the thousands of people who made a submission on Brisbane City Council’s megazipline last year, or provided feedback on the Land Management Plan for the State government. Unfortunately, with BCC openly saying it doesn’t really care about how much community opposition the proposal receives, we’re not confident they’ll make the right decision. Nevertheless, the Labor State government can still stop the zipline. If you haven’t already, email the Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Anthony Lynham at, and ask him to block the project and rule out privatising this precious greenspace.

As per email sent by the Australian Green Party.

Thank you :)
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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby CBee » Sun 03 Feb, 2019 4:51 pm

I think hobartians managed to stop the cable car to Mt. Wellington. They may have some suggestion to us queenslanders.
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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby gbagua » Mon 04 Feb, 2019 8:12 am

That would be great! I'd like to hear about it, what they exactly did to stop this project.
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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby north-north-west » Mon 04 Feb, 2019 9:46 am

CBee wrote:I think hobartians managed to stop the cable car to Mt. Wellington. They may have some suggestion to us queenslanders.

We have stopped previous proposals, but as far as I know the latest is still an ongoing battle.
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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby CBee » Mon 04 Feb, 2019 12:16 pm

We have stopped previous proposals, but as far as I know the latest is still an ongoing battle.

Ok. I was told that the project was never going to happen...
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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby gbagua » Mon 04 Feb, 2019 12:38 pm

Latest update as per email sent today:

"Dear Gerard --

You probably heard the news over the weekend. The LNP Brisbane City Council has approved its own application to build a megazipline at Mt Coot-tha, despite overwhelming opposition from locals and people across the State.

I want to make it clear that this is not a surprise. The LNP Council's entire consultation process has been superficial and riddled obstacles preventing people from having a meaningful say, so it’s really no wonder that just six weeks after the formal submission period closes they’ve given their own development the tick of approval.

It’s crucial we remember that this is not the end of the fight to save Mt Coot-tha from privatisation. The Labor State government still hasn’t approved this development. Minister Anthony Lynham can stop the zipline under the Land Act by refusing to allow BCC to build on trust land and we are calling on him to do so.

More than 90% of the thousands of submissions adamantly reject this development. Most stress that Mt Coot-tha is trust land, and an important green space that should be protected. This project represents everything that is wrong with our planning system and the way it shuts the public out of having a meaningful say. It is essential that we send a strong message to those in power that we will not stand by and watch this destruction.

The Labor State Government has been conspicuously quiet on this project, perhaps hoping it would never get this far. It’s essential that we send a clear message now, calling on them to join our opposition, and stop it from going ahead.That’s why tomorrow morning at 8am we are holding a snap rally outside City Hall in King George Square. Everyone is welcome and you can find more info here (

Please show up and spread the word. We need to send a strong message to the LNP City Council and the Labor State Government that WE WILL STOP THE ZIPLINE. Bring your friends, your placards and banners, and be ready to make some noise.

Yours in hope,


Michael Berkman MP for Maiwar
(The Australian Green Party)"
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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby gbagua » Mon 08 Apr, 2019 1:31 pm

Latest update as per email received today:

Dear Gerard --

As of today, Brisbane officially has a new Lord Mayor - and a crucial opportunity to save Mt Coot-tha from privatisation.

Last week I wrote to the new Mayor, Adrian Schrinner, to congratulate him and ask him to show leadership by scrapping the ziplines immediately. Now, he’s promised to review the proposal as his first focus.

Putting aside the fact that Lord Mayor Schrinner previously supported the project in Council and Cabinet, and is only now actually asking whether the community wants it, this is a pivotal moment for our campaign.

I know you care deeply about this project. That’s why I’m asking for your help to flood Adrian Schrinner’s inbox and phones on his first day as Lord Mayor.

Call him on (07) 3403 4400 or *email and ask him to scrap the zipline now. Tell him how important it is for you and our city that the megazipline proposal be scrapped, and ask your friends to do the same.

Council could do this in a matter of days by withdrawing from the appeal currently underway in the Planning and Environment Court. Doing so would save ratepayers hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars in the courts, and a huge amount of time and energy.

Last year thousands of you stepped up to the plate to make submissions against Council’s development application - we need that energy now more than ever.

We are just moments away from saving Mt Coot-tha - but only with your help.

Yours in hope,


Michael Berkman MP for Maiwar

1/49 Station Road, Indooroopilly
P: 07 3737 4100 • E:

You can download a template for your email here: ... inner.docx

Thanks and have a lovely day! :)

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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby Lyrebird » Mon 08 Apr, 2019 7:04 pm

Putting aside the fact that Lord Mayor Schrinner previously supported the project in Council and Cabinet, and is only now actually asking whether the community wants it, this is a pivotal moment for our campaign.

Interesting. Also interesting that the previous Lord Mayor and Number One Fan has departed quite so quickly, given that Council elections are looming over the horizon like a shrieking zip line patron.

It seems that every twenty years or so the people of Brisbane have to jump up and save Mount Coot-tha from some ill-advised civic scheme. For those with short lifespans (or memories :) ) let's not forget Lord Mayor Soorley's 1997 Seattle-style SkyPoint project to replace the TV towers, which died a natural death once he realised the supporters comprised of 1. Him and 2. the Consortium that was going to build it.

Article below, along with various other failed 'world city' style developments. The BT generously assigns its failure to a financial crisis. My recollection (and I lived in Brisbane at the time) was that Soorley quickly realised that getting voted back to the stone age was incompatible with his lifestyle :mrgreen:

May it also be so with the zip-line debacle. ... wfthm.html
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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby weeds » Mon 08 Apr, 2019 8:51 pm

I got no issues with might actually make Brisbanites visit the park

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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby Aardvark » Mon 08 Apr, 2019 9:29 pm

weeds wrote:I got no issues with might actually make Brisbanites visit the park

Clearly you do not visit the park.
Or are you aware somehow that all the visitors are from outside of Brisbane.
I often carefully choose my visit times so as not to coincide with the throngs of runners, walkers and cyclists.
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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby weeds » Tue 09 Apr, 2019 4:33 am

Aardvark wrote:
weeds wrote:I got no issues with might actually make Brisbanites visit the park

Clearly you do not visit the park.
Or are you aware somehow that all the visitors are from outside of Brisbane.
I often carefully choose my visit times so as not to coincide with the throngs of runners, walkers and cyclists.

I MTB the back side from gap creek rd, I’ve walked a few of the trails, i used to do laps on the roadie many years ago, did some night training walk before OLT.

A forum is about allowing all to have their comment.....

I think a zip line can work in and around all the other activities.

People that zipline zipline because they are too lazy to walk and want tot take the east way

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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby Lyrebird » Thu 11 Apr, 2019 10:08 pm

Adrian Schrinner terminates Mt Coot-tha Zipline project ... dc7a3d0a61
Another one bites the dust...
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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby north-north-west » Fri 12 Apr, 2019 3:13 pm

Lyrebird wrote:Adrian Schrinner terminates Mt Coot-tha Zipline project ... dc7a3d0a61
Another one bites the dust...

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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby gbagua » Thu 06 Jun, 2019 1:18 pm

Yes thank you. Zip Line no more!! ... ew/pid/596

"The Lord Mayor made the decision to terminate the Mt Coot-tha zipline project."

Thank you Lord Mayor, a very wide and intelligent decision that benefits the community as a whole.

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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby Yourrimed » Thu 19 Dec, 2024 1:40 pm

Thank you for sharing such a detailed overview of the proposed Mt Coot-tha megazipline project. It’s disheartening to see public trust land, meant to preserve ecological and cultural values, being considered for such a high-impact development.

The scale of the project, particularly the extensive tree clearing and disruption to public access, seems to contradict the principles of sustainable eco-tourism. The concerns raised by SARA, especially about environmental and visual impacts, highlight how poorly this project aligns with the promises of minimal ecological damage.

Community consultation and genuine support should be at the core of any proposal on trust land. It’s clear from the overwhelming opposition that the people of Brisbane value Mt Coot-tha as a natural and cultural landmark rather than a for-profit attraction.

I fully support efforts to hold both the Brisbane City Council and the State Government accountable to ensure that this development does not proceed in its current form. Protecting spaces like Mt Coot-tha is essential for future generations, not just for environmental reasons but to maintain the integrity of public trust lands.

Thank you again for advocating for the community and encouraging others to voice their concerns. Let’s hope the collective effort leads to the right decision.
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Re: Save Mt Coot-tha (Brisbane) - Mega Zipline project

Postby gbagua » Tue 25 Feb, 2025 3:19 pm

Well the battle ain't over yet as the LNP Mayor has announced plans to sell the quarry to private ownership, which means turning the whole area into development rather than returning it to the natural environment and protecting it from environmental damage.

Further details here:

"With the Mt Coot-tha Quarry rapidly approaching its use-by date, the future of this site hangs in the balance. The LNP Mayor has announced plans for a public-private partnership to deliver an Olympics-focused tourist development at a future rehabilitated Quarry, even indicating support for a luxury hotel and zipline.

Handing over 26 hectares of Mt Coot-Tha to private developers would fundamentally change its status as a protected natural reserve, and create a dangerous precedent that could see more of Mt Coot-tha privatised.

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