Hi all,
I have a question to ask that I hope someone can help me with. I was all set to do half the AAWT next Friday "fastpack" style (ie minimal weight/running where possible) as a fun but challenging training thing for upcoming Adventure Races but it's fallen thru and now I'm all "trained up with no where to go".
I was planning on doing a 6 day/300km with a back up car meet up every second day instead of drop bags but now I am probably looking at a solo thing somewhere else with little time to plan logistically..
I am looking for something that is:
a) is at least 150km/days up to 250/5 days.
b)has some decent "hills".
c)is somewhat accessible either by my car (coming from Melbourne way) or public transport.
d) has access to reasonable water (only want to carry 3 litres if possible as I have to carry more food....)
e) is relatively (as much as one can know safe re avoiding "hunters/boguns/nut cases" for a solo female..part of it is over the labour day weekend most likely.
f) that is relatively straight forward Nav wise.
I have heard there is something called the Southern Island Trilogy (KI and Bruny) does any one know anything about it? Cant find anything under those details...
I'd prefer something in NSW, Vic or SA or maybe Tas.... re travel expense budget. Have done South Coast Track, Great Ocean Walk (well..that one was a running race and some runs/hikes in Wilsons Prom so don't really want to revisit those.
I'd like to cover 50km a day. If I end up choosing something around 250km, somewhere that may have access to a store once or twice that may have something for a Vegan (getting harder all the time eh ) would be a bonus but not critical. I don't plan on carrying a stove. I will be eating homemade bars, oats/chia, liquid nutrition, nut, seeds and fruit/dry fruit and some wraps for early on.
Thx in advance...