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Wilderness Ocean Walk and Ride Path

PostPosted: Wed 08 May, 2013 8:37 am
by Aushiker

Cycle the Munda Biddi Trail is reporting that the Shire of Denmark has received Federal government funding to build a dual-use cycling and walking trail from Ocean Beach to Lights Beach near William Bay. Cycle the Munda Biddi Trail are suggesting that the proposed trail is tentatively titled the Wilderness Ocean Walk (WOW) and Ride Path and it is planed to be completed by 2014.

My understanding is that it will allow for the Munda Biddi Trail to be realigned away from Lights Road and allow the Trail to connect back up with the current alignment at Lights Beach and Ocean Beach. This would definitely enhance the Trail in this area for sure.

This may also result in the Bibbulmun Track being realigned as well. At the moment the Bibbulmun Track leaves the coast just to the east of Lights Beach and takes walkers over Mt Hallowell before descending into Denmark.

The map is of the current alignment of the Munda Biddi Trail and Bibblumun Tracks in the area.


Re: Wilderness Ocean Walk and Ride Path

PostPosted: Fri 10 Apr, 2015 7:03 pm
by FritzHilpert
Piggy backing off an existing thread...

Anyone cycled the entire Munda Biddi trail? I am looking at doing a few sections of it to get onto the bikepacking wagon.

Re: Wilderness Ocean Walk and Ride Path

PostPosted: Mon 13 Apr, 2015 4:45 pm
by Aushiker
FritzHilpert wrote:Piggy backing off an existing thread...

Anyone cycled the entire Munda Biddi trail? I am looking at doing a few sections of it to get onto the bikepacking wagon.

I have. Main blog post here. Probably best place to discuss is in the Australian Cycling Forums.
