daniel_4tw wrote:I have attached a picture of the map I used to plan the trip. Ideally I would like to get a topographical map if possible (anyone know where I could get this?).
I was planning on taking a 2 litre camelbak and another 2 x 1 litre bottles (one bottle that I would keep at the bottom of my bag for emergencies). So that would be 4 litres in total, and would refill at each spot if possible. Is this enough/too much? I should also note for dinners I will be taking dehydrated packs, so this will consume a bit of water. I have water purification tablets that I can use in case of an emergency.
Bubbalouie wrote:There was zero water except a few spots near the resort itself, that water looked pretty nasty.
This is very rare, there very nearly always water in the creek just north of cooinda.
daniel_4tw wrote:Hey guys
Sorry about the late reply. I ended up going on this hike and had a fantastic time. First two days were incredibly hilly, but the walk from Alligator Gorge down to Mambray is something I won't soon forget. Hidden Gorge was breathtaking.
Water wasn't an issue either which is always good. All campsites had ample water, as well as along the tracks.
Thanks for all your help on planning my first real hike - went off without a hitch.
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