New to hiking bibbulmun trail Walpole to Albany questions

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New to hiking bibbulmun trail Walpole to Albany questions

Postby joca » Fri 01 Aug, 2014 7:36 pm

Hi all I am new to this forum and new to hiking I visited a friend in Denmark a couple of weeks ago and are in the early stages of planning a hike from Walpole to Albany. Approx 200kms all up, we are both fit and we both do a lot of walking to keep fit both in our 40's (approx. 5 to 10km a day after work, on weekends ETC I think we could cover 20kms easily in a full day) We walked some short sections of the Bibbulmun when I was in Denmark and liked it a lot that is why we want to have a go, in around November to December.
My main questions are regarding equipment I wanted to just buy those cheap tents off ebay ($29) as my friend is leaving to go back overseas at the end of the year and my thinking is if I like hiking I can also upgrade on my next hike Also my friend is on a budget. example: ... 1423.l2649
Same for the sleeping bag and gas stove ($25 and $35)
How long would you allow if we take in some sections casually as we like the beach and there are plenty of beaches along the way ive read?
Also my friend has a bit of a phobia with snakes is this a problem on this part of the trail at that time of the year?
Also would you start in Walpole and finish in Albany or other way round my thinking if one of us cant go on at least we can do at least one leg.
Thanks in advance for any replys and any other info would be appreciated.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: New to hiking bibbulmun trail Walpole to Albany question

Postby alanoutgear » Sat 02 Aug, 2014 9:33 pm

OK - where to start? First, a $29 tent is probably worth every cent you pay for it. It looks like a single skin tent with not much ventilation if you have to close the door. That will mean you'll get condensation and your $35 sleeping bag might get wet if it touches the tent wall. The weather shouldn't be too much of an issue for you when you want to go, but you should still be prepared for anything - except perhaps snow.

Get onto the Bibbumun website and have a look for a pack checklist of things you should carry. If you are inexperienced, it would be better to do the walk with an experienced walker or as part of a group.

The saving grace is that most of the Bibbulmun shelters are big enough so you'll most likely be able to sleep in them (watch out for the bush rats though), and maybe with your tent up (no pegs obviously). Depends how many people are there. By and large the shelters are spaced a day's walking apart and it's good to stick to the schedule so you have a nice shelter, clean water, a toilet and perhaps company. Walking along beaches is nice (for a time), but there's enough beaches for them to become a bit samey (just saying). You can also stay at the backpackers in Denmark for a couple of nights to restock, do washing, and have a rest after your first week, ready for the next week.

Walpole to Albany is the way I've done this part of the walk and it is excellent that way, walking with prevailing westerlies at your back when on the beaches, and you get to finish at the track terminus at Albany.

I did the walk in May and saw no snakes, but they will be more active in warmer weather. The track is generally fairly open so I don't think it's much of an issue to see and avoid them. Just make sure you look over the other side of a rock or log on the track before stepping over, just in case there's a snake sunning himself on the other side.

Make sure you get the proper Bibbulmun track maps, and check the creek/inlet crossings before you go because they may still be open to the sea and possibly impassible after winter, meaning you'll have to take an alternative route.
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Re: New to hiking bibbulmun trail Walpole to Albany question

Postby jacko1956 » Sun 03 Aug, 2014 12:40 am

In November/December you may well encounter many snakes. Your friend would be well advised to walk second. Use hiking poles to help with sudden stops and push any overgrown bushes away.
Your tent would work but it may be better to get the cheapest simple dome tent you can get that has a separate fly and inner. You may well never use the tent but your most likely need for it will be in the shelters (without the fly) to keep bugs off.
Either direction will be fine at that time of year but you will need to look at how you will cross the Wilson Inlet (Albany side of Denmark). If the sandbar has formed you can walk across but it is a long slog and whatever you think the beach walks will be enough already between Walpole and Albany. The best cheap option is a local friend/contact to pick you up at either end (Eden Rd or Denmark) and drive you around. A taxi is very dear.
Beach walks are best done with the wind and as Westerlies are the norm this may make Walpole to Albany best.
By sharing your stove/tent etc with your partner you should be fine for weights. Read all the good advice you find in here about weight and take as little as possible.
Remember you MUST use a stove in this section so do take one.
Minimalist sleeping bags should be fine for temps as overnights shouldn't be too cold but it extremely likely you will experience significant rain. Ensure clothes, bag etc are in waterproof bags (heavy duty rubbish bags are a good option) and that you have good rain protection. I would even suggest a cheap umbrella if you don't have a good poncho or similar. Just walk a section a day mostly but you can do a couple of "double huts", particularly near Peaceful Bay and Albany.
Hang your packs and foodbags and you should have no animal problems at night. Keep food in sealed ziplocks in bags.
The wildflowers should be wonderful at that time.
PM me for any more queries. May be able to help with some stuff. I am in Perth.
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Re: New to hiking bibbulmun trail Walpole to Albany question

Postby joca » Sun 03 Aug, 2014 3:35 pm

Thanks for the replys great info will look into the dome tents, do you think allowing 9 days would be ample? I do have accommodation in Denmark to get refreshed and have a rest if needs be. Iooking forward to this probably as I know I will be right out of my comfort zone.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: New to hiking bibbulmun trail Walpole to Albany question

Postby Avid Hiker38 » Thu 21 Aug, 2014 1:22 pm

9 days should be plenty of time, that section usually takes 5 days walk. You should bring a waterproof jacket as well. Check out [link removed by moderator] if your looking for some discounted gear.
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Re: New to hiking bibbulmun trail Walpole to Albany question

Postby InspirationOutdoors » Sun 31 Aug, 2014 1:39 pm

Avid Hiker38 wrote:9 days should be plenty of time, that section usually takes 5 days walk. You should bring a waterproof jacket as well. Check out [link removed by moderator] if your looking for some discounted gear.

5 days to walk Walpole to Albany? That is 40 kms a day for someone new to hiking! Maybe 5 days to walk Denmark to Albany.
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