It has been crazy dry in SA.
Keep an eye on the Port Pirie Observations (and cross check with Port Augusta) for a good idea of the likely Mt Remarkable area rain fall. Mt Remarkable will typically get a little more than PP and PA but there's no hard rule about it. so far in May and 2.2 in April 2024 at Port Pirie suggests the tanks will be empty.
There is typically very limited water across the park and when it rains the runoff rate is 99%, so the creeks run when it rains and that's about it. There a couple of very manky dams in the valley. You might find a creek water hole with water but unless you are very familiar with the area best not relied upon.
The best of the tracks are along the tops of ridges or are climbs hence the reliance on tanks.
Self and partner set and installed a 24 hour rogaine in this Park so we have poked about pretty much most of it including a lot of off track locations.