Access to the Dooley Track from Jamieson's Road at the Alma is no longer recommended due to issues with a landowner. With the high water levels often experienced due to work on the dam, which will continue until Spring 2020, the track will frequently be inaccessible from Lucy's Track on the east bank at Shoestring Crossing.
You can get down to Payne Creek on Dooley via River Road, off Swamp Road in Kindred.A steep walk on a 4wd track.
I have cleared the track from Shoestring to Payne apart from a big white gum which can easily be crawled under.
Lucy's Track which starts 700 mts up the Wilmot Road from Alma Bridge is in good order. Lots of beautiful funghi just now.
Update. Dooley track is now clear to Payne Shelter. Here is a map showing access via River Road in Kindred 2.7 km along Swamp road. The 4wd track down to the river was graded by a firecrew fighting a fire deliberately lit by vandals in January 2020. In dry conditions you could drive down to a good carpark above the steep section with 4wd vehicle. Its quite a nice walk once you get past all the dumped rubbish which afflicts these woods.