Having read others notes I feel I can make it a little easier for future groups to find the summit of Mt Claude.If you're coming from the Round Hill look out look for a side track heading off to the right in a flat grassy area immediately before the summit blocks. The side track is quite obvious, but narrower than the main track. If you were to stay on the main track, it starts to descend quite steeply and traverses across the northern side below the summit blocks.
Once you've found the side track, follow it for 50m or so over a gassy/low scrub area. Look for a rock cairn high up on the left (not straight ahead as the track appears to go.) The climbing route starts just below this and to the right, climbing up thru a sort of slot behind this cairn and follow the narrow gully up thru another slot. Above that slot head slightly left, looking for rock cairns (we added several). You will face a very steep narrow gully which leads to a high point immediately before the infamous “chock stone”. This is conglomerate, and looks extremely slippery and hairy, so I don’t recommend this way. Back at the base of this steep narrow gully, go right, looking for more rock cairns and very shortly climb down to your left. This natural lead heads under the summit area, with a big open lead to the right. DON’T take this but continue towards the ‘sky’ and you will see under the big chock stone, then head right. Part way thru this lead you will see the small entrance to the cave on your left. You’ll know this is correct as at the back of the cave is the blue rope. Emerging at the top, head right, keeping low and you’ll be immediately below the summit cairn. A very short scramble up and you are there. All this bypasses the hairy chock stone which looks quite impressive from the summit…and scary.