A couple of years ago I scanned the slides and negatives of Chris Binks and Dave Pinkard to become part of the audio visual Journeys To Pedder. While scanning, I was so impressed with the collections that I decide the best of the images should be turned into a picture book and not just stay locked up as Blu-ray pixels on a disk.
The first proof has just come back from the binders (Foot and Playsted), and later this week the remaining 4 copies will be printed at Impress on their amazing Fuji-Xerox Versant 3100i, which can duplex print on paper up to a metre long.
Only five copies at this stage: for me, my partner, Chris, the State Library and a lending copy. But I have enough paper (see below) for another two or three copies, so I thought I should let others know just in case someone is really interested.
244 pages, 320W x 300H, printed on Saxton Chardonnay 115 GSM from the Shoalhaven mill, the same paper as Perpetuum, one of a very short list of papers that is recommended by the National Library as truly archival. Saxton is no longer made, unfortunately, as the Shoalhaven mill shut down. But… I have 250 sheets of 910 x 650 left over from a previous book, and having that paper was another impetus for doing this new book.
This is not a sales pitch; I'm not a desperate author trying to make a dollar; but if you want a copy you'll have to fork out what it costs me: $350 – $150 for the printing and $200 for the binding.
And you'll need to let me know before the end of this week, 9 Sept, because it may be going through the Versant the following week. This is basically a once-off, on-demand book offer. gmail me at gdburns if interested.
Photo below and you can download some sample pages here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4us6cp6b1vscf5s/Chris+Binks+Sample.pdf/file.