Mt Othrys

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Mt Othrys

Postby Geevesy » Wed 30 Nov, 2016 8:46 pm

Had a nice trip up Mt Othrys yesterday - nice weather for it initially, closed in a little in the afternoon.

I was surprised at how much the Cuvier Valley track has disintegrated into more of a rough route and less of a formed track. I remember it being fairly hard to follow across the plains and at times muddy from years ago but the Cynthia Bay end is pretty rough now. I've been on unmarked routes that are easier to follow... :?

As for the climb up Othrys, it was fairly scrubby, probably more so than I was expecting from the old revision of the Abels - will be interested to read the updated essay in the latest version.

A couple of pics...
First views
Cuvier River
Not this way
View North
View South
View over Lake Petrarch
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Mt Othrys

Postby Scottyk » Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:01 am

Looks like you had a good day for it at least
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Mt Othrys

Postby north-north-west » Sun 04 Dec, 2016 6:09 pm

I didn't find scrub an issue on the climb - just the 57,947,388 fallen trees.
But she's a nice little thing up top, isn't she? All those lovely little towers and no way to be sure which is the highest . . .
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Re: Mt Othrys

Postby Geevesy » Sun 04 Dec, 2016 9:00 pm

Yeah you're right - plenty of fallen trees! Bit like an obstacle course.

Pretty nice view, I was really surprised how narrow the ridge line is on top, couple of nice airy drops to explore.

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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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