Turrana Bluff - 8th December 2019
Posted: Wed 09 Sep, 2020 5:16 pm
Full trip report and more photos -> http://www.benderandxing.com/2020/09/06/turrana-bluff/
We actually did this trip late last year, just never got around to doing the trip report until now :-p
This was the weekend where Cradle got a final wintery blast in the first week of summer, resulting in the protracted rescue of three OLT walkers bailed up in Kitchen Hut with hypothermia. Curiously enough conditions were far more mild a mere 30km east. The previous day we'd summit'd Mersey Crag in somewhat variable conditions, but this day had wonderfully warm weather on our way to Turrana Bluff and then walking back out to Dublin Road.
Route taken was pretty simple - follow the Little Fisher River track south to the saddle between the Mersey Crag and Turrana Bluff, then hook east and follow the ridgeline back north, dodging rock outcrops and tarns as best you can until the barren higher ground is reached. We ended up going a little too far south-east in search of non-existent cairns, but otherwise had few issues making our way along the ridgeline until the summit cairn(s) were reached. A great and a spectacular view.
We actually did this trip late last year, just never got around to doing the trip report until now :-p
This was the weekend where Cradle got a final wintery blast in the first week of summer, resulting in the protracted rescue of three OLT walkers bailed up in Kitchen Hut with hypothermia. Curiously enough conditions were far more mild a mere 30km east. The previous day we'd summit'd Mersey Crag in somewhat variable conditions, but this day had wonderfully warm weather on our way to Turrana Bluff and then walking back out to Dublin Road.
Route taken was pretty simple - follow the Little Fisher River track south to the saddle between the Mersey Crag and Turrana Bluff, then hook east and follow the ridgeline back north, dodging rock outcrops and tarns as best you can until the barren higher ground is reached. We ended up going a little too far south-east in search of non-existent cairns, but otherwise had few issues making our way along the ridgeline until the summit cairn(s) were reached. A great and a spectacular view.