Sounds like a solid, realistic plan.
As NNW stated, both Procyon and Sirius are short and worthwhile side trips. Aldebaran is a bit further off the main track but not hugely so, it's well cairned and mostly open walking. I think we took around an hour each way, and the views are totally worth it. Just make sure you're setting off from Haven Lake early

Cracroft River junction to Strike Creek is/was fairly vague when we went through ~10 months ago, I'm assuming more boots have been through since to reinstate the pad. There are trees nearby the junction with Lake Rosanne, this would be the ideal spot to hang a food drop - solid plastic screwtop container, taped up and in a dry bag is our usual method. There were a couple of tent platforms just south of Strike Creek when we went through, this was actually a nicer location than Pass Creek but I'm not sure if it was a temporary camp for the track workers doing the boardwalk up towards Luckman's Lead. Anyway, as Geevesy mentioned the condition of the Yo-Yo Track remains terrible apparently (has anyone actually been through recently?) but it is entirely possible to walk the 33km from Scotts Peak to the Lake Rosanne junction in a day, do your food drop and then overnight either around Strike Creek or perhaps at Cracroft Crossing before walking back out. Unless there's been a tonne of rain to swell all the creeks/rivers, I reckon this would be the faster option. The Lucifer Ridge route is definitely a no-go now.
Speaking of rain/swollen creeks, Pass Creek is, ahem, fun to get across when the water is flowing hard. Something to be aware of for all of the Arthur Plans area.
Summitting Federation on the way through from Hanging Lake is very straightforward, there's enough room to drop your big packs. My first time up Fedders we did Hanging to Bechervaise comfortably in under half a day (late start waiting for the weather), with a full day you'd merrily make it to at least Cutting Camp, probably further. Forest/Crest Camp is definitely the pick of camps east of Moss Ridge: Cutting is ok but if you're in a group you'll be scattered all around, and South Cracroft is burnt out/closed around the river itself (which is a mess) and the platforms are out in the open. There are some spots along the Cracroft River just east of Cutting that can work too, depending on how much space you need.
Anywhere from Cutting Camp out to Farmhouse it is a solid but straightforward day's walk, no need to break it up over two days unless you need the rest