by Biggles » Sat 15 Jun, 2024 3:25 pm
Indeed it is a fascinating and interesting video of the trials and tribulations of this epic, often underestimated walk. Many people have got to that wall to wall scrub and turned back, exhausted from the pushing and shoving, destabilising and tearing of fabric and skin — yes, start with gloves and leave the gloves on!
The shelter you used seems not really suitable for the typically wild conditions encountered, as one can observe from your need to hang on to the poles and everything else in the gales!
It is a bit of a shame that Precipitous Bluff didn't greet you with a sunlit prow in the afternoon over the undeniably bleak and not very satisfying view of rain, wind, cold and cloud!
Great achievement, but maybe time to look at a sealed tent that is quick and easy to put up and won't shirk in vicious gales.
Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
—Oscar Wilde, 1890.