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The Spires

PostPosted: Sun 16 Feb, 2025 5:09 pm
by dis
Back in late January, a small group of 3 of us made a trip out to The Spires. We started from Lake Gordon, climbing up to Pokana peak via the Pleiades Ridge before traversing over to both Shining Mountain, via Conical Mountain. We then made our way out to The Font and summited both High Spire and Flame Peak. We then walked out to the Denison Range via Lake Curly and summited both Bonds Craig and Reeds Peak before spending our last night at Lake Rhona. Overall, we spent 9 days out there including a rest day at Lake Curly to wait out a day of 32c heat. We had a mix of showers, clear days and some scorchers (25c, 29c and 32c).

The terrain out there is very unforgiving and there are little to no pads. Most of the hike is either pushing through scrub or walking along endless lumpy and uneven button-grass plains and ridges.

Camp at Shining Mountain

The Spires

Lake Curly

Re: The Spires

PostPosted: Mon 17 Feb, 2025 12:43 pm
by north-north-west
Lake Curly is just about the best place ever for a rest day.

Re: The Spires

PostPosted: Mon 17 Feb, 2025 3:33 pm
by dis
Lake Curly truly was a special place.

Re: The Spires

PostPosted: Mon 17 Feb, 2025 4:57 pm
by bumpingbill
Great video and trip. Really enjoyed it and congrats on the walk.

Re: The Spires

PostPosted: Mon 17 Feb, 2025 7:58 pm
by JamesMc
Loved the video.

Kayaking into Pokana Basin and then walking out to Richea Ck looks like complicated logistics, though.

Re: The Spires

PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2025 8:43 am
by dis
Thanks James,

Yeah, it was fairly complicated to organise.

Re: The Spires

PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2025 10:03 am
by IDP
Congratulations on a successful trip, well done. That is no easy feat.
The video is certainly well produced.
I note that you have also posted and promoted the YouTube link on Facebook and Reddit.
Maybe, for such a sensitive area, it gives a little bit too much publicity and detail (notwithstanding the lack of step-by-step-step instructions)? Perhaps also too much emphasis on the “conquering” aspect?
Maybe, maybe not, but that is just my personal take. I recognise that this is a gray (pun not intended) area.

Re: The Spires

PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2025 4:39 pm
by stu
Only a few years ago a walking club trip of 14 went into the Spires - - horrendous! (sorry Louise, this was not really appropriate at all). I also know that walking club trips to Provis Hills & Tramontane (first ascents) had groups in the 14+ member range, also horrendous & about as far from "minimal impact" as you can get.

At least you guys were a small team, respect for that; in these sensitive, untracked remote areas teams should be limited to 5 or less. Minimal Impact should also have a digital footprint, please be aware of this.

I'm afraid (& this is from someone who has completed the Abels & climbed just as many remote "non-Abels" throughout the state) that the Abel feeding frenzy is getting a little out of hand. These days I consider that I've "evolved" into just a bushwalker (& this occured to me well before I finished any list) & just relish being in the wilds; perhaps all the social media sharers will also come to this conclusion too, that the love for & custodianship of the wilderness takes precedence over the number of followers & the realisation that "keep it secret, keep it safe" is a better motto than "lets conquer".
I doubt it, but here's hoping :?

Re: The Spires

PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2025 4:47 pm
by north-north-west
stu wrote:Only a few years ago a walking club trip of 14 went into the Spires - - horrendous!

Dan and I walked out from the Font just a couple of months later. The line that group followed over Reverend Creek and up towards Shining looked like it had been trampled by a mass of stampeding rhinos. I really don't know how they fitted everyone in up around the Font; even including the upper terraces there just isn't enough space for that many tents.

Re: The Spires

PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2025 4:51 pm
by tastrax
Ah yes - the often overlooked rule 24

Re: The Spires

PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2025 6:05 pm
by dis
Thanks guys. I can't imagine how a group of 14 would get out there - that is insane and certainly not good for the environment. We didn't really notice any signs of tramping, minus a few pads from Pokana to Conincal, and the obvious pad up to The Font from Reverend Creek. We certainly didn't see any pads between Shining Mountain and Reverend Creek - just big and lumpy button grass and the obvious few rocky knolls.

The purpose of the video, is only just to share our experience out there. However, I can understand how this can be seen as a grey area, and that the video itself could lead to further impact of the sensitive area.

In lue of rule 24, I have removed the video link from this post.

Re: The Spires

PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2025 8:11 pm
by tastrax
Many thanks dis.,,,, but its still in your signature line