Mt.Feathertop. NW spur ascent. 6 & 7/4/19

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Mt.Feathertop. NW spur ascent. 6 & 7/4/19

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 09 Apr, 2019 7:09 pm ... 019.84309/

You can read a trip report with photos if you click on this link.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Mt.Feathertop. NW spur ascent. 6 & 7/4/19

Postby davidn3875 » Wed 10 Apr, 2019 2:18 pm

Congratulations PCV for putting your memories of pain behind you and grinding your way up the NW Spur again.
I have etched into my memory bank of a MUMC working bee in 1971 or 72 when we carried a potbelly stove up to the hut lashed onto a Yukon Frame Pack.
Tom Kneen was one of that party. It took 3 or 4 guys to lift the load onto the shoulders of the next unfortunate bloke who proceeded to stagger about 100m until he collapsed to the ground and the process continued. Yes, we got to the hut that evening, totally knackered. It was a couple of years later that it was found that too much close-by native vegetation was being broken and fed into the stove, so the environmentalists felt it appropriate to remove the stove. I believe, but not with 100% certainty, that the stove was not carried back down to the Trout Farm, but was rolled into the head of the steep gully to the northeast of the Hut! I would be interested to know, as it would have been marginally easier to have taken it down with gravity on-side, than our soul destroying slog up the spur!!
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Mt.Feathertop. NW spur ascent. 6 & 7/4/19

Postby commando » Thu 16 Jul, 2020 9:17 pm

Greetings Davidn3875 if your one of the famous 200 who toiled many hours into the development of the MUMC hut
and its history you have my respect and gratitude. I have stayed a few nights in the hut winter and summer and for sure its way
better than the Diamentina hut on the Mt Hotham Rd with the concrete floor utilising and a quarter inch thick sleeping mat.
One winter we spent the weekend in the hut on a weekend and it was minus -8c in the hut all weekend, so the stove would have
come in right handy. That night it snowed and the trail become confusing on exit but we followed the fox tracks in the snow back down
the Northwest spur the one who followed us up, not apparent without snow. Speaking of the which a fox came into the
Diamentina hut at 4:30 am one night and with a dozen people in the hut i admired his courage for that.
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