paidal_chalne_vala wrote:I had not run out of water. The friendly local was being hospitable. I still had 2 litres remaining in my bladder. I was mechanically filtering all of my water on that trip too.
paidal_chalne_vala wrote:Yes turning up at the private property was certainly telling me I was off route. Yes you are right about that Explora sahib. I knew I was in Glen Valley near Big River and once I found Kangaroo Creek track I was essentially re orientated but still off course. Why I did not back track to correct my error is still a mystery to me. That is what should have happened.
paidal_chalne_vala wrote:I can say that Paton's track is real and is subject to rudimentary signage on Kangaroo Ck. track , but it is not on my SV and Footprints maps. It is on my GPS map.
paidal_chalne_vala wrote:I prefer to use the compass with a real map. I am happier navigating that way. I should have checked the map at the junction where I now know I should have turned south instead of continuing east and crossing the Ford of Big River on Paton's track. I tend to become geographically embarrassed just before lunch time usually . It is then when the brain is depleted and I have usually been hiking all morning. Anyway no harm was done, I definitely learned things about navigating and I had an enjoyable trip. I am admittedly a happier hiker/ XC skier when I KNOW I am going the right way .I was aware that I was not where I planned to be however fortunately my adventure was not badly marred by this error. Moreover I had 4 days of food, 2 litres of water and all my camping gear plus a mob. ph. and a PLB.
However Xplora sahib is right when he has observed that a short back track to the junction where I should have gone South would have corrected that matter. At least on the Thorn range coming off Red Rock Saddle I knew we had taken a wrong turn, stopped , ate , consulted the map and the terrain in front of our eyes and we quickly corrected that and re located the correct route. I would say that the afternoon heat may have addled my brain which is why I try to start moving very early in the day in summer for bushwalking. I shall be more careful in future and yes back tracking when I know I am on the wrong route is to be kept as a priority in future.
bigkev wrote:Thanks for the report PVC. I haven't been down there since I dropped down off Mt Wills South many decades ago, I'm just about recovered from that traumaI'm finding that I'm going a little more remote since the lockdown too, although that's probably due to me being fairly anti social. Maybe my memory is playing tricks with me however it looks like the Parks Vic people have been doing some work on that side of the park (judging by your photos).
paidal_chalne_vala wrote: Errant fallen logs on Track 107 have been recently cut
paidal_chalne_vala wrote:and new laminated signs have indeed been placed in the Kelly track area Kelly hut and Fitzgerald hut. Those signs may not withstand a full white season. We shall see. They are not high enough to be seen if there is one metre or more of snow. If I get to XC ski out to Fitzgerald hut this white season , starting at Windy corner , I might go and see if I can find them in the snow.
paidal_chalne_vala wrote:
This area is becoming more accessible for many navigationally challenged people during bushwalking season. It will probably become more popular in winter also with a similar type.
There is a sly left handed reference to someone who could be me, in your estimation ;-P .
paidal_chalne_vala wrote:
This area is becoming more accessible for many navigationally challenged people during bushwalking season. It will probably become more popular in winter also with a similar type.
There is a sly left handed reference to someone who could be me, in your estimation ;-P .
Xplora wrote:Just for historical information, track 107 was named by the Mines dept. over 100 years ago. All the tracks had numbers and this track originally went from Mt. Wills to Mt. Hotham and was access for miners. You can search and find the tracks online. This circuit is pretty easy by comparison and a good walk for those less experienced. It is used often by year 9 outdoor ed groups. I would not call it spectacular but there are some interesting bits. Much of it is management track but the single track is not marked.
paidal_chalne_vala wrote:"Where do you read/hear about all these tracks?"
I look at hard copy maps and I wonder "what that track or terrain is like ?".
I have walked many of the tracks that many people new to trekking in the Vic. Alps have walked or are considering hiking. I am walking routes that receive less human traffic. That is good in many ways but they are often far
far less used and have much less in the way of signage. This Green season since the lockdown ended has been very much about doing walks that I have not done before. I am 51 and I am quite fit.
I am going to get some lighter gear so I can keep doing this pastime. I do not plan to walk some routes I have already done again very soon.
This circuit hike was type 2 fun for sure. Now I am thinking I would like to do it again in the future and in doing so redeem myself in terms of navigation. It would be fun to take some other people with me should I do it again in a year or two. Before the next lockdown ( I predict it will come in early March ) I am going to walk from Charlie McNamara's hut to Young's SEC hut. It will be a navigational challenge and I will not use the GPS to mislead me again. A compass direction is better plus using my eyes and brain. Also of interest is the old miners' bridle trail from Dibbin's hut to Brandy Creek Fire trail along Swindlers creek and the Cobungra River.
The ford at Big River where I crossed it is shown on the SV map. It is very close to where Dead Horse Creek meets Big river. The actual position of Track 107 as compared with the SV map and the GPS topographical map is at variance with both. Now I know this area better I will be smarter and in future backtrack as soon as something seems wrong and at variance with the route on the map such as an unplanned river/creek crossing.
In Autumn I usually go surfing more than Bushwalking so I am banging out the kilometres while I can.
Mortar Art wrote:Xplora wrote:Just for historical information, track 107 was named by the Mines dept. over 100 years ago. All the tracks had numbers and this track originally went from Mt. Wills to Mt. Hotham and was access for miners. You can search and find the tracks online. This circuit is pretty easy by comparison and a good walk for those less experienced. It is used often by year 9 outdoor ed groups. I would not call it spectacular but there are some interesting bits. Much of it is management track but the single track is not marked.
Is there a way to get from Track 107 to Kangaroo Ck Track without going down to Mittagundi / Big RIver bridge camping area
and walking up the highway?
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