Trip reports, stories, track notes. Multiple/large photos are OK in this forum.
Forum rules
Posting large/multiple images in this forum is OK. Please start topic titles with the name of the location or track.
For topics focussed on photos rather than the trip, please consider posting in the 'Gallery' forum instead.
This forum is for posting information about trips you have done, not for requesting information about a track or area.
Sat 09 Mar, 2013 4:47 pm
For track notes for the 3 to 4 days circuit walk in Lerderderg Gorge, please use the link to my newly-created blog Hope this helps
Sat 09 Mar, 2013 5:32 pm
Hi dplanet
Enjoyed your report. I walked some of the same sections of Lerderderg a couple of years ago - terrific area. That scramble up out of the Ah Kow Mine is a beaut, isn't it?

You mention in the post about trying to climb out of the Old River to the Hogan Trk No 3. I recall a similar climb at about the 1km mark up from the Lerderderg River - is that where you were?
Mon 11 Mar, 2013 11:17 am
It was the climb out to the Hogan Track from Watties Gully, not the No3. Check out map 17 by Explore Australia in 150 Walks in Victoria by TT.
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