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Thu 24 Jul, 2014 12:19 pm
The Bukkertillible Track is finally ready to be officially reopened this Sunday 27th July. The track was severely damaged by fire in 2010 and then further damaged from severe storms. Parks felt the damage to the track was so bad that it should remain closed and be left for the bush to take back. Some of us did not agree as it is a nice walk on its own and is also forms part of the Sugarloaf Circuit. So to cut a long story short the Ballarat Bushwalking and Outdoor club set about lobbying Parks to agree with us working on the track. Permission was obtained and working bees were soon arranged and in progress. And finally now the track is ready for all to enjoy again.

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The large overhang that is the namesake of the track.

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When we started work on the track it had all but dissapeared in some places with lots of wattle and bluegum saplings that had to be removed. There were also large areas of thick bracken to fight our way through. Another issue and a sticking point with the powers that be was making this steep rock slab a bit less hazardous to cross.

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A lot of volunteers worked on this track and a good relationship has developed with our local Parks employees. Its been a very positive outcome.

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Thu 24 Jul, 2014 2:25 pm
Thank you Snowzone for the information and the photographs. This is indeed a great outcome. I look forward to getting up to the park and doing that walk and revisiting other walks in the area.
My congratulations to Ballarat Bushwalking and Outdoor Club and all the volunteers for their determination to have the track re-opened. Well done all.
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 1:22 pm
Well done. I love that loop and walking across the steep rock slab
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