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30peaksin30days - Bogong High Plains Trip Report

Sun 01 May, 2016 12:49 pm

For those interested, I have been writing my trip reports on a blog, complete with photos at ...


Come check it out, make a comment or say hello lol.

Ive just added my 4 day bogong high plains circuit hike on there, where I started from Bogong village, up to the fainters, jaithmathangs, around to Mt Jim, Knobs, Nesle Massif and Spion Kopje, returning to Bogong Village.

In total with a week to go I have completed 26 out of my original 30 peaks, put if you include all the subsidiary peaks and high points I'm actually up to 43 :)

Will post the full list of peaks/mountains/hills/knolls/knobs/high points when completed.

Re: 30peaksin30days - Bogong High Plains Trip Report

Sun 01 May, 2016 7:53 pm

South Col, I've just read your blog and enjoyed the lot, There are some great pictures there too. Well done.

Re: 30peaksin30days - Bogong High Plains Trip Report

Sun 01 May, 2016 8:33 pm

Thanks Neil,
Im glad you enjoyed it and appreciate your comments :)

Im a bit behind but i will have at least 5 more blogs up hopefully in the next few days as I've completed a lot more of my hikes/climbs. So keep an eye out.

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