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AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Thu 04 Apr, 2024 7:24 pm ... st-5618120

You can read a trip report and see photos of yet another trip to Mt.Bogong
by clicking on the above web link.
It was a highly enjoyable bushwalking trip with excellent weather.

Re: AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Fri 05 Apr, 2024 6:36 am

I am not sure why your friend needed to be in low range for that road but usually when a 4wd gets stuck in low range it is because of front diff wind up which is can be caused by being in low range when it is not needed or there is very little slip on the wheels. Just guessing but I would think Richard at the shop would have driven the car in reverse to get it out of low range. That is the usual fix. Sort of unwinds it so maybe nothing wrong with the car. Tell your friend also to be mindful of coolant levels with that model. A common fault that is often overlooked is a leak in the EGR cooler (which is cooled with the engine coolant) and the next thing the car overheats and cracks the head.

Re the walk. It is a nice walk from Mulhauser camp. The ups are not too bad. Took us about 3 hours to T spur last time. Some great views to the east when it is clear. It is a nice ski in also. You should try it.

Re: AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Fri 05 Apr, 2024 8:30 am

Nice one PCV! When I was up that way in Nov. Lovely weather for it.
That camp spot where T-Spur meets Long Spur is a nice looking one.
I am looking to get up that way for a knee-breaking walk up/down Staircase sometime in then next few months. Just need goodish weather and a touch of snow on the ground would be nice.
I thought you were thinking of doing a day-walk up King Spur over the Easter weekend? I would have liked to see how you found it, as I think I ballsed it up a bit going off-piste a few times and reckon a group would sort out the best way up. Anyway, nice job.

Re: AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Fri 05 Apr, 2024 9:29 am

Regarding 4 WD issues.
I must say that my friend drives a 4 x 4 truck but seldom uses it for its intended purpose and he admits to knowing zero about cars.
Yes the man at the Mitta Mitta Shop put it in reverse and the problem
was solved but the switch controlling the 2 WD/4WD etc function selection was broken / faulty
and the dash board was lighting with all manner of warning lights.
The man at the Mitta MItta Shop said " watch the temperature" so that matches your advice for
that model of off road vehicle.
I suggested using High Range 4 WD for the final pinch up to the Mulhauser camp site.Either way the drive train
selector switch was looking quite out of service , hanging on a wire etc..

I have never had trouble driving up there in my AWD car in green season.
I plan to go up there for a ski trip this White season esp. since I have stopped
buying VIC. resort ski season entry passes and VIC. ski season lift passes due to the exhorbitantly rising costs of these items in VIC..
I plan to leave my car at the SLR / MST junction and hike up the extra 4-5 kms with an early start. It should take me six hours to reach CC hut with ski gear and a winter pack.

I have conceived this plan since I don't have a proper 4 WD and only have one chain saw. I will buy another chain , sharpener and spare bar this week for the one I do have.

Regarding King Spur: I will save that up for my yearly pre Xmas hike in that area. It has been rather dry until recently and the prospect of finding water in the Buller /Howitt area
has been somewhat less likely during the autumn months.
I cannot countenance using the Staircase spur again soon. The Long Spur approach is less taxing and not so busy . It is a
longer drive whichever way you approach it from Melb.. The distance on foot with a winter pack from the bottom of Mulhauser spur track or the bottom
of Long Spur 4 WD track is about the same . The Snowy Log road is A WD suitable as is the Big River Log road to Big River Saddle.
Trees do fall down on those roads and carrying and using a chainsaw is a useful precaution IMHO.

Re: AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Fri 05 Apr, 2024 10:53 am

Fair enough, it was a bit dry up that way.
There was water flowing at Camp creek on the 22nd and the swampy near Mustering Flat still had water, smelt a bit 'muddy' and I didn't drink it.
I've only got a 2WD with clearance that can handle Circuit road/Bindaree road/road past Bennies to Lake Cobbler gate fine, but I'm not pushing it onto real AWD/4WD roads and not buying a new vehicle either, so my approaches are limited.
Staircase is fun when you're in the mood.

Re: AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Fri 05 Apr, 2024 1:38 pm

IMHO you could get a 2 WD from Bogong Saddle on the Omeo Hwy to the bottom of Mulhauser Spur track ( the second and shorter of two access points from Snowy Log Road ). Just use a lower gear if necessary and take a chainsaw.I am considering gettting a hand held UHF radio because there is generally no phone signal out there until you reach the top of B. Hill and the Long Spur pole line
I was wondering about the Holloway logging road. Is it open?
It is a useful route for accessing the winter gate of Granite Flat Spur.

Re: AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Fri 05 Apr, 2024 3:05 pm

Nice report and photos, its definitely a great spot to camp at T Spur /long spur, am yet to though

Baeng was hoping for another vlog post since your last outing to Howitt area :)
Last edited by Camminata on Fri 05 Apr, 2024 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Fri 05 Apr, 2024 3:32 pm

Great report and nice to bump into you again as it has been a few years.

Mt. Wills hut had plenty of water and we had the place to ourselves as the two nobo AAWT walkers continued to the Omeo Hwy. Very little other usable water. There was a bit spilling over the cutting on Long Spur Track not too far before Big River Road which might work if particularly desperate. Otherwise you're sharing puddles and soaks with the deer.

Blackberries fairly overgrown for the first 50m or so after the track turns off Big River Road at Big River Saddle.

Re: AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Fri 05 Apr, 2024 3:59 pm

Camminata wrote:
Baeng was hoping for another vlog post since your last outing to Howitt area :)

Yeah, it would be 'fail' vlog.
I got to Lake Cobbler and started walking at 4pm, got to Camp Creek just after dark (8pm), had my noodles and pot knocked over and snaffled by a possum.
Didn't sleep more than an hour or 2 (not sure why), so started walking back to car at 5am and was driving home about 9am. :D
I had planned to walk over XCut or to Viking, but Spec. road trashed my feet and lack of sleep led to a retreat.

I can stitch something together and post it if that sounds interesting.

Health and other stuff has really curtailed my adventures this year, so far.
Was looking into going to Roaring Meg at the Prom. this weekend but booked out and seems quite wet up in high country, so another weekend maybe?

Re: AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Fri 05 Apr, 2024 4:06 pm

Usually there is water flowing under the Big River Log Road a km past big River saddle past the AAWT turn off( up Mt. Wills ) heading back towards the Omeo Hwy.I have not checked it recently so I cannot attest to how well that stream is flowing .
Yes I know about the Blackberries on the AAWT at the botom of the Mt. Wills track just as you leave Big River Saddle.
I miss the huffing and puffing video reports from Baeng.
I will soon be walking up at Lake Mtn. checking out the Camberville entry route and the reportedly newly cleared Keppel's hut walking track.
The Upper Taggerty track has been partially cleared too.
Baeng , you should try those options too. You can camp at Keppel's hut and there is water and a pit loo too.
Plus I have a Tasmanian trek coming up in May along the Overland track.

Re: AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Sat 06 Apr, 2024 11:29 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:IMHO you could get a 2 WD from Bogong Saddle on the Omeo Hwy to the bottom of Mulhauser Spur track ( the second and shorter of two access points from Snowy Log Road ). Just use a lower gear if necessary and take a chainsaw.I am considering gettting a hand held UHF radio because there is generally no phone signal out there until you reach the top of B. Hill and the Long Spur pole line
I was wondering about the Holloway logging road. Is it open?
It is a useful route for accessing the winter gate of Granite Flat Spur.

With the recent work on Snowy Log Road you can get a 2wd pretty close to Mulhauser but in winter things are different. It is rarely snow affected but can get a bit slippery. The last bit is steep enough to warrant 4wd but generally not low range. You can get phone reception most of the way along the Long Spur but not once you drop down onto the northern side. A UHF radio is only good if there is someone else close by with one but in winter there are plenty of hound hunters up that way. Not sure if they would help you out though. I have met some good ones and some pretty rude/selfish ones also. I drove the Holloway recently and it has been graded. Would get a 2wd to the Granite flat gate with only a couple of spots where clearance would require some careful driving but not impossible. I would suggest it will be different come winter but Subaru possible. Better just going up Eskdale spur anyway. Logging has stopped and the Holloway road is open all the way to the Omeo highway although you might be stopped for a short time as they are seed collecting but that is past Granite flat. I didn't drive the whole Holloway. Diverted to Lightning creek via Rootsie spur and that needs low range.

If conditions are good there is no need to park so far back on the Mulhauser track. At the point where it gets a bit steep you just have to turn your car around so it is pointing downhill. Keep well informed with the weather and don't go that way if a low dump is expected. You have been talking about doing this in winter for at least 7 years. This year should be the one. Do it before it needs clearing again. Skiing up Mulhauser track is possible in a good season but there is a narrow section just before the top that gets very icy and the camber will send you down a steep drop if you slip. Also some icy spots where the tracks shoots off to the southern facing side but they can be avoided.

Re: AAWT/ Long Spur/ Mt. Bogong. Easter 2024.

Sat 06 Apr, 2024 6:07 pm

Thanks for the information. Sept. looks like when I will have time to do this trip which you are describing.So I will be carrying skis and ski boots strapped to the pack ,
a long way up the hill regardless of which approach route is being selected.
One hopes there will be snow in Sept.. Last year the ski season failed in early August.
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