Champion Spur. Alpine N.P. 11th Dec. 2019

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Champion Spur. Alpine N.P. 11th Dec. 2019

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 12 Dec, 2019 6:41 pm ... 019.86509/

A trip report with photos can be found at this link.
It was a bit of an ordeal but a solid route for experienced bush walkers. Do not try this if you cannot get yourself out of a spot of geographical embarrassment while off track walking and scrub bashing. Do not do this in poor visibility or when it is very hot.

The recut East Ovens fire track will start to become overgrown and there are fallen logs on it now. As a window of opportunity for masochists I would say this summer and up to a year or two from now would be the best time frame to try this hike . Finishing with wet boots on a descent is the better option rather than starting with wet boots and going up, up and up a near vertical fire trail and bush bashing up hill with no water points until the spring at the MUMC hut track.
Over all the fire track is best shown on the Rooftops map as being bang on top of the spur. It does not become a bench cut track until the last switchback to the river.
The guide book by Glenn Van Der Thingy describes this walk as walk No.11.
I have now walked every route to Mt. Feathertop and the Razorback.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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